Wednesday, 2022-07-13

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F4PGASlackBridge<kgugala> @me1 it should be working now08:06
kgugalayep, it is08:07
F4PGASlackBridge<acomodi> Yeah, nextpnr is able to handle the Interchange, and from it RapidWright can generate the dcp and open it in the Vivado viewer. There are a set of tests up until a LiteX design capable of running Linux that you can find here:
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lambdaso uh, nextpnr-xilinx is somehow reversing two pins on my Arty A7 board - U12 and V12 should be PMOD JC[0] and JC[1], respectively, but they're connected to JC[1] and JC[2]18:53
lambdaall other PMOD pins are fine18:54
lambdathe prjxray-db definitions match up at least with digilent's schematics (U12 is IO_L20P_T3_A08_D24_14, V12 is IO_L20N_T3_A07_D23_14)18:56
lambdaoh, my first message should read "they're connected to JC[1] and JC[0]", sorry18:56
lambdaI can't find anything about this issue on google, so I doubt it's a board layout issue19:02
lambdaextremely weird that it's only one specific pin pair19:07
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