Friday, 2022-07-29

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F4PGASlackBridge<timo.callahan> @umartinezcorral was there a recent change in paths from `f4pga` back to `symbiflow` ?    I just did the CFU Playground install of F4PGA, and the script that was expected at `symbiflow/xc7/install/share/f4pga/scripts/xc7/synth.tcl` is now at `symbiflow/xc7/install/share/symbiflow/scripts/xc7/synth.tcl`.   I'm using `F4PGA_TIMESTAMP=20220714-173445`, `F4PGA_HASH=f7afc12`.18:57
F4PGASlackBridge<timo.callahan> Or maybe the script didn't move, but the place where it was expected moved and the file location hasn't caught up yet.   This is the error I'm seeing: Executing module `synthesize`:     [1/3] : Synthesizing sources: ['/usr/local/google/home/tcal/google/CFU-Playground/proj/proj_template_v/cfu.v',19:01
F4PGASlackBridge'/usr/local/google/home/tcal/google/CFU-Playground/third_party/python/pythondata_cpu_vexriscv/pythondata_cpu_vexriscv/verilog/VexRiscv_FullCfu.v', '/usr/local/google/home/tcal/google/CFU-Playground/soc/build/digilent_arty.proj_template_v/gateware/digilent_arty.v']... [ERROR]: yosys non-zero return code. stderr: ERROR: TCL interpreter returned an error: couldn't read file19:01
F4PGASlackBridge"/usr/local/google/home/tcal/google/CFU-Playground/env/symbiflow/xc7/install/share/f4pga/scripts/xc7/synth.tcl": no such file or directory19:01
F4PGASlackBridge<kgugala> Hmm, looks wierd19:48
F4PGASlackBridge<kgugala> Will check it once I get to a computer19:48
F4PGASlackBridge<timo.callahan> Hopefully I just need an updated release pointer for the tar files.19:59
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F4PGASlackBridge<kboronski> @timo.callahan Ok, I see what happened. Looks like two days ago there was an update to the python package that changed the expected path to the scripts. I don't know whether that got updated for the latest packages (haven't checked, but as a quick workaround you can try setting the `F4PGA_SHARE_DIR` to point to your `symbiflow/xc7/install/share/symbiflow` directory.20:06
F4PGASlackBridge<kboronski> I think the directory was always named `symbiflow` and this update is an attempt to change it to `f4pga`.20:08
F4PGASlackBridge<kboronski> If this doesn't work for you, you might have an outdated python package that doesn't support overriding share directory location20:10
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F4PGASlackBridge<umartinezcorral> @timo.callahan please do pin the f4pga package to this revision
F4PGASlackBridge<umartinezcorral> Due to cross-dependencies between arch-defs, f4pga and f4pga-examples, we had to temporarily break the main branch of f4pga. It should be fixed as soon as arch-defs updates the latest packages/tarballs.20:29
F4PGASlackBridge<umartinezcorral> It actually finished one hour ago: Hence, if you pick the latest packages now, they should work with main f4pga. Otherwise, use the pinned version I refed above, with any earlier tarballs.20:32
F4PGASlackBridge<timo.callahan> Thanks @umartinezcorral and @kboronski, I just reran, but I still see the issue.   Do I need to change `F4PGA_TIMESTAMP=20220714-173445 or F4PGA_HASH=f7afc12` ?21:45
F4PGASlackBridge<umartinezcorral> @timo.callahan yes, I recommend using a newer timestamp. However, I need to take a plane in a few hours. Please, let me look at it for you tomorrow.21:56
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