Tuesday, 2023-01-17

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F4PGASlackBridge<hansfbaier> I wrote this fuzzer for ODELAYE2, but it can't solve any features except the .IN_USE. Any ideas why that could be? I have been banging my head into this for several days now. Am I overlooking something?https://github.com/f4pga/prjxray/compare/master...hansfbaier:prjxray:k7-odelaye202:24
F4PGASlackBridge<hansfbaier> The generated designs look all good.02:26
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gatecathansfbaier: this was my old odelay fuzzer back in the day06:42
gatecatthese were the features it apparently found: https://github.com/daveshah1/prjxray-db-7020/blob/92213de2ad5781fa0fdccc3ce712bb8573dd548a/kintex7/segbits_rioi.db#L24506:47
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