Wednesday, 2023-07-26

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kokosHi, I've been trying to add support for Artix7 boards, specifically 75T (xc7a75tfgg676-1) but I've been having some problems with fuzzer 005-tilegrid.10:30
kokosApparently during synthesis I get the error that the device doesn't have enough RAM blocks. The error in stderr log is the following:10:30
kokosERROR: [Synth 8-5833] Design has more instantiated block-RAMs than device capacity. Consider targetting to a different part.10:30
kokosmake[4]: *** [../fuzzaddr/ build_xc7a75tfgg676-1/specimen_001/OK] Error 110:30
kokosmake[3]: *** [Makefile:132: bram_int/build_xc7a75tfgg676-1/segbits_tilegrid.tdb] Error 210:30
kokosmake[3]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....10:30
kokosI've checked the /bram_block/specimen_x/params.csv and all the tiles and sites seem to be ok, nothing is out of bounds of the board. Also all 75T devices seem to have the same amount of BRAMs that is 105. Though I did notice that the reported cell usage is the following:10:30
kokosReport Cell Usage:10:30
kokos|      |Cell     |Count |10:30
kokos|1     |RAMB18E1 |   270|10:30
kokosCould this be a problem with XRAY_IOI3_TILES per chance? It doesn't seem like it but I don't see any problems with XRAY_ROI_TILEGRID, whereas for XRAY_IOI3_TILES I'm sure not how to check which addresses of IOI cells are bigger by 1.10:30
kokosMy current /settings/ file is like this:10:30
kokosexport XRAY_DATABASE="artix7"10:30
kokosexport XRAY_PART="xc7a75tfgg676-1"10:30
kokosexport XRAY_ROI_FRAMES="0x00000000:0xffffffff"10:30
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