Monday, 2024-03-04

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lxsameerhey folks, what compiler f4pga uses?19:50
gromerobasically yosys, nextpnr or vpr21:06
gromeroit's toolchain ...21:06
lxsameergromero: so does that mean I only need yosys, nextpnr or vpr to write verilog and bitstream it to my xilinx 7 series?21:11
lxsameerI'm a bit lost about the role that f4pga plays21:12
gromerolxsameer, f4pga is like an umbrella of projets enabling a full toolchain that has as output of it's outputs the bistream, several tools are developed as part of the f4pga, like FASM format21:18
gromeroI think here is good explanation about it:
lxsameergromero: interesting. Is it correct to say, with f4pga i don't need the closed source xilinx toolchain anymore?21:19
gromerolxsameer, iirc, for some series, that's correct, but double check it, it's been a while I don't touch it ...21:20
lxsameergromero: thank you21:22
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