Saturday, 2021-09-25

openpowerbot[slack] <Paul Mackerras> how do people program the bitstream into the orange crab? I have been trying with dfu-util and that seems to work for small things but not something as big as microwatt10:50
openpowerbot[slack] <Paul Mackerras> @Anton Blanchard or @Michael Neuling maybe?10:51
lkclPaul: that sounds... anomalous14:42
lkcllike, a hardware reliability issue14:42
openpowerbot[slack] <Matt Johnston> @Paul Mackerras dfu-util works fine for me15:06
openpowerbot[slack] <Matt Johnston> though more recently I've been using apollo firmware on a samd21 board, is my branch15:07
openpowerbot[slack] <Matt Johnston> though more recently I've been using apollo firmware on an adafruit qt py  samd21 board (what I had lying around), is my branch15:11
openpowerbot[slack] <Matt Johnston> though more recently I've been using jtag with apollo firmware on an adafruit qt py  samd21 board (what I had lying around), is my branch15:51
lkclMatt: what device are you connecting to with dfu-util, that "works"?18:36
lkclPaul: the orange crab is, i believe, china-designed and china-made.  it um... maaay not be the best quality.18:37
lkcland i've seen issues where people have said that their builds of microwatt are unreproducible... oh wait, that was Gustavo, on here :)18:37
lkclPaul: in case there's a Ground-Loop issue (which, on smaller bitstreams would not be a problem), can i recommend running solely from laptop battery?18:39
lkclbut also, if it's possible to give dfu-util an upload baud rate as an option, reduce it considerably18:40
lkcloh hang on it's not china-designed at all18:42
lkclit's Open Hardware, cool!18:42
lkclwarl, thay'rrs yurr praahhblurm18:43
lkclit's an ECP5-25k18:43
lkclonly 25k LUT4s18:43
lkcland microwatt is pushing the limit there at around 20k LUT4s.18:43
openpowerbot[slack] <Anton Blanchard> @Paul Mackerras I have a pre production board and the flash is not big enough for the 85F, so I have to use JTAG.22:19
openpowerbot[slack] <Anton Blanchard> lkcl: I think Paul has an 85F version22:20
lkclAnton: ahh22:54
lkclthen i'd suspect hardware reliability. dfu-util apparently doesn't support "speed control"22:57
lkclso that's a bit challenging to test22:57
lkclsome people have reported success by connecting via USB hubs22:58

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