lkcl | just so that people here are publicly aware of florent's behavioural characteristics, i woke up this morning to find this on the #litex IRC channel: | 13:19 |
lkcl | * ChanServ gives channel operator status to _florent_ | 13:19 |
lkcl | * _florent_ sets ban on *!* | 13:19 |
lkcl | * You have been kicked from #litex by ChanServ (User is banned from this channel) | 13:19 |
lkcl | Ben, Paul, Mikey: you may wish to cease and desist from all and any public discussion of litex's technical weaknesses and limitations, because if you do so, you may likely also be "punished" and excluded from community participation. | 13:28 |
lkcl | Peter: i just re-read what you wrote. unfortunately there is some context missing. firstly, some contributors are prevented and prohibited from using github (Corporate Policy in many case) and consequently cannot engage there. | 16:05 |
lkcl | secondly: despite considerable time and funding pressure that our Charitably-funded project is under, every effort to engage with Florent and provide him with two choices: (1) a good outcome that works for everyone and resolves things amicably and productively (2) a disastrous outcome which is divisive or otherwise destructive for everyone - he *chose the destructive option*. | 16:07 |
lkcl | this happened so frequently that i pointed it out to him and he *continued choosing destructive behaviour* | 16:07 |
lkcl | i felt so intimidated by his actions - which included making a frivolous official complaint to the OpenPOWER Foundation that i felt *completely* unsafe even raising matters with him through public channels. | 16:09 |
lkcl | the very fact that he's banned me from without discussion or reason should tell you that this fear of reprisals from him was well-justified | 16:10 |
lkcl | i am now left in the position of feeling very unsafe and intimidated from discussing this further even on other channels such as this one. | 16:11 |
lkcl | despite the fact that *at no time* have i lied about or done anything other than speak truthfully about the *technical* limitations of litex, with other technical people who equally find that its technical limitations are impeding development. | 16:12 |
lkcl | his unilateral actions therefore constitute a "chilling effect" that actively discourages people from ever discussing litex with a view to open and inclusive discussion in order to fix those very same issues | 16:13 |
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