Thursday, 2022-01-27

openpowerbot[mattermost] <lkcl> paul: thanks for your insights and help yesterday. the first 0x300 DAR is indeed for an address 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 (during the enumeration of nodes in "fs/proc/proc_sysctl.c" find_entry())15:01
openpowerbot[mattermost] <lkcl> whether that's a kernel bug (de-referencing a NULL pointer) or not is irrelevant, the fact is that microwatt _successfully_ navigates through a kernel-level virtual request to read from address 0x015:02
openpowerbot[mattermost] <lkcl> but libre-soc, although appearing to do the same (and quite likely may actually do so), ends up with a tree entry in ctl_table of 0xC000_0000_0000_0000 *instead* of a null pointer.15:04

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