Saturday, 2022-01-29

openpowerbot[mattermost] <lkcl> unnnbelieeevable, i think i finally tracked down the error10:23
openpowerbot[mattermost] <lkcl>
openpowerbot[mattermost] <lkcl> notice how it says ROW_LINE_BITs to SET_SIZE_bits10:23
openpowerbot[mattermost] <lkcl> get copied into 0 to SET_SIZE_BITs?10:24
* openpowerbot [mattermost] <lkcl> face-palm10:24
openpowerbot[mattermost] <lkcl> that should be wishbone.adr[0:SET_SIZE_BITS].eq(req.real_addr[0:SET_SIZE_BITS])10:24
openpowerbot[mattermost] <lkcl> of course the bug only shows up on mis-aligned stores because that's the circumstances where two stores occur in quick succession in the same page10:25
openpowerbot[mattermost] <lkcl> arrrgh :)10:25

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