Monday, 2022-08-01

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openpowerbot[slack] <Boris Shingarov> @joel22:36
openpowerbot[slack] <Boris Shingarov> > I think I got it dumping registers but not memory22:36
openpowerbot[slack] <Boris Shingarov> How did you get there at all?  I mean at the low level, not in terms of integration with GDB.  I can't even get `mw_debug.c` to stop the core.  I linked `mw_debug.c` with Anton's `ftdi-probe` branch of UrJTAG and it seems to do **something**:22:36
openpowerbot[slack] <Boris Shingarov> ```$ ./mw_debug -b jtag -d gpr 0 1022:36
openpowerbot[slack] <Boris Shingarov> Opening jtag backend cable 'probe'22:36
openpowerbot[slack] <Boris Shingarov> Found USB cable: DigilentNexysVideo22:36
openpowerbot[slack] <Boris Shingarov> Connected to libftdi driver.22:36
openpowerbot[slack] <Boris Shingarov> Found device ID: 0x1363109322:36
openpowerbot[slack] <Boris Shingarov> r0:c00000000039c38c22:36
openpowerbot[slack] <Boris Shingarov> r1:c00000000123bde022:36
openpowerbot[slack] <Boris Shingarov> r2:c00000000123fb0022:36
openpowerbot[slack] <Boris Shingarov> r3:000000000000000022:36
openpowerbot[slack] <Boris Shingarov> r4:c0000000011d450022:36
openpowerbot[slack] <Boris Shingarov> r5:000000000000000022:36
openpowerbot[slack] <Boris Shingarov> But attempting to stop it, the core gets stuck in the stopping state forever:22:38
openpowerbot[slack] <Boris Shingarov> ```./mw_debug -b jtag -d stop22:38
openpowerbot[slack] <Boris Shingarov> Opening jtag backend cable 'probe'22:38
openpowerbot[slack] <Boris Shingarov> Found USB cable: DigilentNexysVideo22:38
openpowerbot[slack] <Boris Shingarov> Connected to libftdi driver.22:38
openpowerbot[slack] <Boris Shingarov> Found device ID: 0x1363109322:38
openpowerbot[slack] <Boris Shingarov> Core status = 0x122:38
openpowerbot[slack] <Boris Shingarov> Core: stopping22:38
openpowerbot[slack] <Boris Shingarov>  NIA: c00000000006054822:38
openpowerbot[slack] <Boris Shingarov>  MSR: 900000000000b033```22:38
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openpowerbot[slack] <Boris Shingarov> I feel really disinclined to go through the exercise of attaching a chipscope to `core_debug.vhdl`, I wonder if maybe you know some magical secret if you are saying you got to a point to think about GDB...22:43
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openpowerbot[mattermost] <lkcl> oh wait... didn't anton break something in the DMI interface a few months back?23:14
openpowerbot[mattermost] <lkcl> and it was directly related to core stopping23:14
openpowerbot[mattermost] <lkcl> i raised it here on the mattermost chat, a few months back, you might be able to find it by searching through the chat history.23:18
openpowerbot[slack] <Boris Shingarov> yeah, I see... ok, I am now trying to build commit `7c240a664bb68` let's see if that will stop properly...23:38
openpowerbot[slack] <Boris Shingarov> Yes,  `7c240a664bb68` (which is 10 days ago) works, so it must have broken recently.  Tomorrow I'll try to investigate.23:56

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