Sunday, 2022-09-11

openpowerbot[slack] <mithro> @Benjamin Herrenschmidt We have quite a bit of experience with driving video systems in LiteX thanks to the video capture work we have done18:06
openpowerbot[slack] <Benjamin Herrenschmidt> Pushing pixels out doesn't seem particularly difficult. The interesting thing is how this made me think about DMAs and generally deficiency in our interconnect21:18
openpowerbot[slack] <Benjamin Herrenschmidt> Wishbone sucks... LiteX lack of pipelining support doesn't help but fundamentally wb's 'cyc' prevents pipelining requests from different masters21:19
openpowerbot[slack] <Benjamin Herrenschmidt> AXI solves all that but has a significantly higher resource cost21:20
openpowerbot[slack] <Benjamin Herrenschmidt> I'm toying with doing an in-between that brings full pipelining with request/response tagging and response handshake but a single request stream21:20
openpowerbot[slack] <Benjamin Herrenschmidt> I think it would be a nice fit for FPGAs21:21
openpowerbot[slack] <Benjamin Herrenschmidt> And easily adapted to a real axi or wb if needed21:21
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