Thursday, 2022-09-29

openpowerbot[slack] <Matt Johnston> anyone know much about Linux `COMMON_CLOCK` on powerpc? the upstream litemmc driver uses the clk framework but that doesn't seem supported for powerpc generally, just a few platforms10:53
openpowerbot[slack] <joel> Common clock was invented by some sea pirate from the West I think 😉11:12
openpowerbot[slack] <Matt Johnston> yeah, just noticed that!11:12
openpowerbot[slack] <Matt Johnston> maybe I'll have to add some clk_ops11:13
openpowerbot[slack] <joel> nah, you just need this patch:
openpowerbot[slack] <joel> And this device tree update:
openpowerbot[slack] <joel> Unless there's some other thing that doesn't work?11:15
openpowerbot[slack] <joel> I guess he's not a sea pirate is he. He mostly plunders along the river.11:15
openpowerbot[slack] <Matt Johnston> huh, I tried manually setting that before and got a bunch of undefined references, but seems ok now. must've been something else wrong. thanks11:17
openpowerbot[slack] <joel> No worries11:28
openpowerbot[slack] <joel> At some point I guess we should get a clock driver that reads the info from syscon. But there's not much motivation while development is done at 100MHz11:29
openpowerbot[slack] <Boris Shingarov> Alright, it looks like we are going to start the DMI hackathon tomorrow at 14:00UTC, first as a FAST meeting and then move over to the ADG if there will still be interest:21:32
openpowerbot[slack] <Boris Shingarov> 21:32
openpowerbot[slack] <Boris Shingarov> Fundacion FAST is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.21:32
openpowerbot[slack] <Boris Shingarov> 21:32
openpowerbot[slack] <Boris Shingarov> Topic: Live microhackathon: Toolchain support for Microwatt DMI21:32
openpowerbot[slack] <Boris Shingarov> Time: Sep 30, 2022 11:00 AM Buenos Aires, Georgetown21:32
openpowerbot[slack] <Boris Shingarov> 21:32
openpowerbot[slack] <Boris Shingarov> Join Zoom Meeting21:32
openpowerbot[slack] <Boris Shingarov>
openpowerbot[slack] <Boris Shingarov> 21:32
openpowerbot[slack] <Boris Shingarov> Meeting ID: 831 4182 431521:32
openpowerbot[slack] <Boris Shingarov> Passcode: 83764521:32
openpowerbot[slack] <Boris Shingarov> One tap mobile21:32
openpowerbot[slack] <Boris Shingarov> tel:+13863475053,,83141824315#,,,,*837645# US21:32
openpowerbot[slack] <joel> @Boris Shingarov the timezone doesn't work for me but it's great that you're doing this. I look forward to seeing what comes out of it23:19
openpowerbot[slack] <Boris Shingarov> Actually I had a question for you @joel23:41
openpowerbot[slack] <Boris Shingarov> We are going to debug why u-boot doesn't come up on any kintex board here.  I am building u-boot from your `microwatt` branch (sha `96b05acda` to be precise) and that's what we are going to be using.  I also looked at your `microwatt-v2022.07` and it seems to be mostly a rebase of the microwatt support over recent upstream, plus a handful of new improvements none of which seem very relevant to what m23:41
openpowerbot[slack] <joel> I think the newer branch is better. But I've not updated the pre-built images as I'm chasing a mysterious liteeth regression in the new branch23:43
openpowerbot[slack] <joel> How does the kintex soc differ from the arty one? Any important memory layout differences?23:43
openpowerbot[slack] <Boris Shingarov> As far as I understand, it **should** be identical to the artix from the software perspective, modulo the larger dram size -- or at least that's what I was trying for when I added kintex support ~2 years ago.  It's a complete mystery to me why u-boot doesn't show any sign of life, so without debug it would be very difficult to investigate.  Well, now we have beginnings of an RSP bridge, so one can co23:48
openpowerbot[slack] <joel> Ok. Are you using the dram training code to load the elf from flash?23:49
openpowerbot[slack] <Boris Shingarov> Yes, the normal μw firmware.  It has its own problems (I have to downgrade litex for dram to work, see and ), so really I don't know what's going on before looking in gdb -- it could be a whole number of things.23:53

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