Thursday, 2023-02-09

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lkclkanzure, thx, much appreciated.09:55
lkcllooks like RED Semi is going ahead with a single-core first processor focussing on cryptographic acceleration09:56
lkcl(using libre-soc LGPLv3+ HDL)09:56
lkclwe're seeking commercial funding to get it into production and to finish the (LGPLv3+) HDL09:57
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lkclah. interesting.
lkclthat announcement by NIST makes ascon a high-priority for investigation, like chacha20.12:18
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lkcltoshywoshy, ping, aware you're in ghent: bridge is down (to
markoslkcl (or anyone else ftm), how can I get bugzilla to send me mail notifications when a new bug is submitted to eg. LibreSOC/Source Code component?12:24
markosI do get notifications when I'm added to a particular bug, but as it is, unless I browse/search the bugs I don't know what is there12:27
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kanzureprobably a lot of money available from the ZKP people these days given all the VC activity in that space12:44
kanzurehardware acceleration of zero-knowledge matmult stuff would be a hit12:45
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lkclmarkos, you subscribe to libre-soc-bugs@lists.libre-soc.org22:36
lkclkanzure, the premise of the project is, "which low-level capabilities in terms of general-purpose vectorisation-looping based on general-purpose scalar instructions would result in reduced power and/or greater performance"?22:37
lkclso if right at the *bottom* of the zero-knowledge-proofs stack there is a mathematical... "thing" (a standard matrix multiply)22:38
lkclor if there's a basic operation (a GF2 64-bit mul/div/add)22:38
lkclwe can look at those, find *other places* that those same concepts (e.g. matrix-multiply-the-general-concept, e.g. GF2 arithmetic)22:39
lkcland use the fact that they're used not just in one place but in multiple other places as a justification for (a) adding them and (b) proposing them to the OPF ISA WG22:39
lkclcounter-example: someone wrote a great Msc dissertation for chacha20 which summarised as, "if you added this totally non-generic non-useful-for-any-other-purpose instruction, you reduce chacha20 assembly instructions for RISC-V from 1,000 down to 500"22:41
lkclthat's an absolutely useless approach for us (but perfect for some embedded scenarios for which in general RISC-V is well-suited)22:41
lkcljust looking at these algorithms
lkclare there any that have REALLY CLEAR - completely non-optimised, REALLY easy-to-read - reference implementations in at least c and preferably python as well22:43
lkclthat are *specifically* designed for tutorial and educational purposes?22:44
lkclheavily-optimised SIMD algorithms are worse than useless for translating to SVP64 - or even reading to find out what the hell the actual algorithm does in the first place - because they're so all over the place22:45
lkclwe consistently and routinely find it's better to go back to the c reference implementation, containing loops such as "for (i=0;i<5;i++) { x[i] ^= y[i]; }"22:46
lkcland by a not-so-coincidence that turns into TWO instructions.22:46
lkclSETVL to 522:46
lkclsv.xor (which picks up the vector length from the previous instruction)22:46
lkclno pissing about with 128-bit this, 256-bit that.22:47
lkclmarkos, you can find anything you missed (and are interested in) at the archives
lkclbear in mind though that anything marked as a "specification" bug goes into libre-soc-isa.
lkclkanzure, bottom line we do *not* do "specific hardware macros"22:49
lkclaside from anything both the NSA and CESG would *immediately* slap a weapons-grade certification on what we're doing and we'd only be able to sell the SoC with a BXPA Export License.22:49
lkclby keeping things as a *general-purpose-processor* we avoid that... that... "uranium-enriched-concrete-block-with-chain-attached-round-our-legs-dropped-into-the-ocean"22:50
lkclbeen there, dodged that bullet already, with Aspex Microelectronics, back in 2004.22:51
kanzurecryptographic hardware can be added as extra modules that you don't manufacture by default, w/e22:56
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