Thursday, 2023-08-10

lkclyyeah or a UPS also with surge-protection. that's easily justifiable. and i thiiink... there maaaay still be budget under "equipment"?00:14
lkclor, tell you what, if you email NLnet and mention that you're running the CI server for the project, have just moved house, and the power is unstable, you need a UPS can we get an "emergency" equipment budget00:16
lkcli'll send you the email address00:16
lkclalso make sure to include a little bit for yourself for actually *installing* it, and making sure that its USB "warning" system etc. actually integrates properly with the server.00:19
gnucodelkcl: I reached out to you a while ago about possibly donating my friend's blackbird motherboard.  I don't think that is ever going to happen now.00:20
openpowerbot[irc] <programmerjake> it isn't a AC power issue, it's that I bought my brother's old GPU (a RX6900XT iirc) which is quite high power and my power supply is a cheap one00:21
gnucodeThe last time I mentioned it, he basically said that he didn't want to donate it.00:21
openpowerbot[irc] <programmerjake> though getting a UPS would be useful anyway00:21
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openpowerbot[irc] <programmerjake> lkcl: i have an interesting idea for how to handle running fpu ops in parallel despite being in a dependency chain through FPSCR:
openpowerbot[irc] <programmerjake> lkcl: I added all the tasks, I haven't yet linked them up to funding, is adding them as sub-tasks of #1026 good?
openpowerbot[irc] <programmerjake> also, I noticed that #1026 has a sub-task that looks like it was put in the wrong place, since it's about adding stuff to the simulator rather than implementing nmigen HDL:
lkclgnucode, probably because he realised it's really valuable. can you ask him if he'll sell it? (toshywoshy ^)02:25
lkclprogrammerjake: it's not.02:26
openpowerbot[irc] <programmerjake> the task in wrong place question?02:26
lkcllook more closely and think to yourself, "how can anything be implemented in HDL if there is neither a unit test nor a Simulator implementation against which to test the HDL?"02:27
openpowerbot[irc] <programmerjake> ok02:27
gnucodelkcl: I will happily ask.02:40
gnucodelkcl:  He might be persuaded to let you ssh into it.  It just sits there most days...02:41
gnucodeI would have to figure out how to let his router let you talk to it though....02:42
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openpowerbot[irc] <programmerjake> > lkcl: I added all the tasks, I haven't yet linked them up to funding, is adding them as sub-tasks of #1026 good?
openpowerbot[irc] <programmerjake> can you review today if possible? I'd like to start working on it. Thanks!20:15
lkclprogrammerjake let me do a quick readthrough20:35
openpowerbot[irc] <programmerjake> thx!20:37
lkclprogrammerjake they look good (the sub-bugs) however it is absolutely imperative that you follow precisely and to the letter the exact process laid out already by XER (which is actually a completely separate "regfile")20:53
lkcli'm collecting links now20:53
lkclabsolutely mad that this is well over 2 years since i looked at it20:54
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