Tuesday, 2023-08-15

lkclyou can always find "what is assigned to you" by searching "people" and typing "ghostman" as the assignee00:01
lkclyes i know 995 never got assigned a milestone, that's a mistake. it'll have to be left for another Grant, now.00:02
lkclok so on 1140 i put in "see also - 1068" and obviously if there are any others that are related in any way (the bugs *implementing* the instructions that have aliases for example, or the *RFCs* covering the bugs that have aliases for example)00:03
lkclyou'll need jacob to help track those down.00:04
lkclthe more "cross-referencing" there is the less people forget and think "oh err i have no idea what to do"00:04
lkclwell, it's damn obvious if there is a "blocks" or "depends" or a "see also", you just move the mouse over the bugnumber, a popup comes up saying "title of the bug" and you can go "oh! ah! that needs doing! right! i can take responsibilty for it!"00:05
lkclit's not rocket science in any way00:05
lkclbut it needs discipline... which often comes only after some absolutely terrible project management experiences, first, unfortunately00:06
lkclthe URL is typically supposed to be for a wiki page, and comment #0 for "the most important parts of the thing" (often edited multiple times to get clarity)00:07
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openpowerbot[irc] <programmerjake> lkcl, etc.: meeting now20:02
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octaviusMade an update to the bug issue why/how section (bug #1126): https://libre-soc.org/HDL_workflow/#index2h221:38
octaviusFeel free to adjust and/or add as necessary21:38
octaviusAlso, in 1h17min, my 4th gen i7 workstation managed to boot linux kernel up to here:21:39
octavius[    3.253045] c0002000.serial: ttyS0 at MMIO 0xc0002000 (irq = 16, base_baud = 3125000)21:39
octaviusI've configured the thread count to 3 for microwatt-verilator simulator binary21:40
octaviusSo far sim model and memory save states taking up about 60G. Will need to upgrade with some SSDs/HDDs.21:42
octaviusBtw, is it a good idea to use HDDs at all, or are they going to be too slow for simulation and fpga synthesis?21:42
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octaviusI'll let the microwatt linux sim continue to run, but will be heading off now21:46
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octaviusBtw, it took about 2h15min to get to login, so not too long. I'll test tomorrow on my ryzen 360022:51
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