Wednesday, 2024-09-04

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s3aSorry for the stupid question, but I don't know how to clone the code (;a=summary ). Could someone please let me know how?08:48
openpowerbot_[slack] <Yunseong Kim> @openpowerbot We can clone with10:04
openpowerbot_[slack] <Yunseong Kim> ```$ git clone git://
openpowerbot_[slack] <Yunseong Kim> 'dev-env-setup' ...10:04
openpowerbot_[slack] <Yunseong Kim> remote: Enumerating objects: 857, done.10:04
openpowerbot_[slack] <Yunseong Kim> remote: Counting objects: 100% (857/857), done.10:04
openpowerbot_[slack] <Yunseong Kim> remote: Compressing objects: 100% (854/854), done.10:04
openpowerbot_[slack] <Yunseong Kim> remote: Total 857 (delta 529), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0```10:04
openpowerbot_[irc] <yunseongkim[m]> We can clone with... (full message at <>)10:09
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