Friday, 2022-12-16

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F4PGASlackBridge<hansfbaier> @tmichalak I think I have given up after trying to automate 5 hours what takes 5 minutes manually. When I tried to change the tagging in the fuzzer (both setting the .IN tag to 0 and removing the tag in .Y0 IN_DIFF situations), then it would stop working (blinky with differential clock went dead).02:30
F4PGASlackBridge<hansfbaier> Here is the PR:
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F4PGASlackBridge<tmichalak> @hansfbaier yes, the changes look fine now, I kind of expected that `LVDS_SSTL12_SSTL135_SSTL15.IN` will consist of `39_127` and 2 negated bits, so this is exactly what I am seeing now07:50
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