Friday, 2021-10-01

openpowerbot[slack] <Michael Neuling> @mithro the litex `./ init install --user`  script writing to the directory above is very unexpected. IMHO not a nice developer experience05:05
*** lkcl <lkcl!> has quit IRC09:30
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openpowerbot[slack] <Peter Gielda> Would probably make sense to open an issue in liteX? It seems there is a lot on this channel about how supposddly bad LiteX is, and also some personal (very unfair) comments on Florent (main maintainer) or how bad/uncooperative the "LiteX community" is (also unfair). The truth is it would probably be more productive to just open an issue and discuss ideas on github? There is lots of contributors to Lit10:59
openpowerbot[slack] <Peter Gielda> [Its more a general comment on what was happening on this channel for some days... in the eyes of a random person looking from time to time]11:00
openpowerbot[slack] <Matt Evans> Hi!  What's the OpenASIC (right name?) SRAM compiler situation like today?  I saw they'd some test layouts, what kind of density might you achieve?13:17
openpowerbot[slack] <Matt Evans> Ha, I read similar-but-different, 4 types: registers, main memory, and 2x NAND (4/5 i/p).  And ECL's differential so inverters are free 😉13:20
lkclPeter: i have not provided details of confidential discussions in which Florent's behaviour was absolutely atrocious and caused us immense disruption.13:55
lkcl*multiple* independent individuals in the Open Hardware Community - including outside of the OpenPOWER one - are aware of the limitations of litex.13:58
lkclthey just don't like to talk about it publicly because of potential repercussions that Florent might - and in some cases actually has - enacted against anyone who "complains"13:59
lkclthis is not a nice situation, but i feel it's actually extremely important to raise and make people aware of14:00
lkclso that it can be properly discussed and resolved.14:01
openpowerbot[slack] <kgugala> @Michael Neuling `` is intended to be used outside the LiteX repo. According to wiki it is intended to be wgeted and run, so it can download all the repos. I suppose the download to `../` (when the script is run from within LiteX repo) is to not download new stuff into the repo and create bunch of untracked files. Maybe it's worth extending the script so it warns and asks for permission to wri14:39
lkclMichael: i have heard it is technically possible to use to download specific repo commits.16:47
lkclthis may help to provide stability, by a release-set to release-set published list of commits of the sub-components16:48

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