Sunday, 2021-10-17

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lkcl<Paul Mackerras> how would that affect the frequency?10:07
lkclPLLs are analog components.10:07
lkclthey will be impacted by current and voltage10:07
lkcland - this is hilarious - i saw an AI/Evolution FPGA-program-generator paper a few years ago10:08
lkclthey randomly generated programs and, using "evolution", mixed together ones that always passed the test10:09
lkclyou know, the usual "genetic" algorithms for creating programs10:09
lkclthey then looked at what was actually produced.  some of the programs evolutionarily-created had gates and FPGA resources linked together in loops that were completely disconnected from all others10:10
lkclin an "oink" moment the researchers tried removing those disconnected groups... only to find that by doing so that created the *wrong answer* to the test10:11
lkclin other words, the genetic algorithms had created programs that critically relied on *internal EMF leakage* and analog transmission effects between FPGA resources!10:12
lkclwhich is frickin hilarious, and also may help explain why, with a PLL (an analog component that takes time to stabilise its ringing effects), you need to wait for some time.10:13

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