Friday, 2021-11-05

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openpowerbot[slack] <Matt Johnston> @Paul Mackerras thanks, useful to rule that out00:38
openpowerbot[slack] <Matt Johnston> lkcl: thanks for the pointer to c4m-jtag01:49
lkclMatt: no problem, it's really quite ridiculously easy to use:;a=blob;f=src/soc/debug/;hb=HEAD12:54
lkcli did however have to add a DMI interface (add_dmi);a=commitdiff;h=6b2a90b3dddda411e096e577a9f7b35fe249287812:54
lkclwhich Staf Verhaegen was reticent to add because there is no "published online standard" regarding DMI that can be found12:55
lkclwe consequently "appeared to be the sole exclusive user of DMI"12:55
lkclso if you want to (easily) add DMI, you'll have to use our version;a=summary12:56
lkclor, if you also consider using it, that makes _two_ users of DMI and Staf would be more inclined to go, "oh, this is a common standard after all even if it's a de-facto one, i'll add it to c4m-jtag upstream"12:57
lkclJTAG Boundary scan is supported, it takes getting used to (esp if you are dyslexic).12:59
lkcleach pin you add you now have *two* ports to connect to, and of course - this is where it gets horribly confusing - you connect inputs to the pads which become outputs on the boundary scan side, and outputs from the pads now become inputs on the boundary scan side13:00
lkclthat drove me nuts :)13:01
lkcli ended up mis-connecting the pads in litex, which, due to migen providing no deterministic behaviour / warnings, took five months to track down the bug13:03
lkclfinally only doing so when LIP6 Lab ran the LVS Checker (which took 6 hours CPU time) and found output-driving-output errors13:03
lkclwark-wark :)13:03
openpowerbot[mattermost] <lkcl> conference this weekend (tomorrow, sunday), 19:00 Europe/Amsterdam Time, watch out for the TZ change on sunday if you are in the US! it is one of the first times that both OpenROAD/OpenLANE and LIP6 coriolis2 developers will be presenting at the same conference. thanks to Toshaan Bharvani, the OPF mattermost bridge is active and bridges over to #opentapeoutdev IRC on Libera https:18:44
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