Saturday, 2022-02-19

openpowerbot[mattermost] <lkcl> confirmed, that is the "voodoo magic incantation" needed to be added to Memory-declarations to get them to be treated as BRAMs by yosys ecp5 rules01:44
openpowerbot[mattermost] <lkcl> it works on cacheram, and because i've converted tagmem to Memory declarations, works on those too01:45
openpowerbot[mattermost] <lkcl> no idea if it will work as an attribute on registers (next door to where "ram: distributed" is put in various places) but it's worth trying01:46
lkclha. adding this *increased* resource utilisation for icache.vhdl:10:23
lkcl    attribute syn_ramstyle of cache_tags : signal is "block_ram";10:23
lkclbut adding this *decreased* resource utilisation:10:24
lkcl    attribute syn_ramstyle of itlb_tags : signal is "block_ram";10:24
lkcl    attribute syn_ramstyle of itlb_ptes : signal is "block_ram";10:24
lkclbecause yosys was able to turn itlb_tags/ptes into $mem_v2.10:24
openpowerbot[mattermost] <lkcl> oh hang on $mem_v2 means it doesn't match known patterns15:55
openpowerbot[mattermost] <lkcl> $15:55
openpowerbot[mattermost] <lkcl> $mem_v2 is an abstract high-level concept: if it doesn't get mapped down to BRAM, SRAM, or (last resort DFFs) that's a bad sign15:56
openpowerbot[mattermost] <lkcl> icache is weird because it's a combinatorial lookup for the ptes and tlb (same clock cycle)15:56

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