Tuesday, 2022-11-15

openpowerbot_[slack] <joel> The other bit of litex work I'd like to do is fix irqs. Currently when enabling the interrupt controller the litex soc appears to not run software, and I'm not sure how to debug it10:04
openpowerbot_[slack] <Benjamin Herrenschmidt> We really don't want the litex interrupt controller... which means litex SW needs to learn about xics18:45
openpowerbot_[slack] <Benjamin Herrenschmidt> I don't like microwatt in litex for other reasons like the memory map being completely different18:45
openpowerbot_[slack] <Benjamin Herrenschmidt> the lack of my l2 cache (ie it's much slower afaik)18:46
openpowerbot_[slack] <Benjamin Herrenschmidt> @Matt Johnston I don't understand https://github.com/antonblanchard/microwatt/pull/409/commits/23b62c76a79c75ebafa5bc57777fd33c4a834e64 ...18:52
openpowerbot_[slack] <Benjamin Herrenschmidt> can you explain what I'm missing ? 🙂 ie, in my mind, SW reset causes soc to self-reset, so I don't see why you need to change the top-level and why it loops back the sw reset output into the soc reset input18:53

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