Saturday, 2023-07-22

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sadoon[m]Looks like bookworm had some version updates in the main repo15:26
sadoon[m]Guess being a little late on the rebuild wasn't so bad all things considered15:27
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ghostmansd[m]You can split via insndb. Each record has ".mdwn" field.19:10
ghostmansd[m]So, you could have a visitor for MarkdownRecord.19:11
lkclghostmansd[m], good point! only thing is, recreating the (entire) markdown page - including any inline comments in exactly their original places - is much more work than using insndb23:05
lkclwhereas the brain-dead line-reading-script i created last time a "big" mod of the .mdwn files was needed is a hell of a lot simpler23:06
lkclsadoon[m], remember we don't care: the goal is to get "a" debian distro compiled up23:07
lkclthe goal is *NOT* to have "a perfect absolute perfect absolute 100% absolute tracked 100% absolute completed absolute ready distro"23:08
lkclbecause that would require 5x more money than the allocated budget23:08
lkclthe goal is: "get something done that can be claimed to be 100% successful so that we can make NLnet look good to the EU Horizon 2023 Programme and they can justify giving us another grant"23:09
lkclthis is how it works23:09
lkclit's *NOT* "we have to do everything and omg we are getting paid peanuts"23:09
lkclget the job done23:09
lkclget the money23:09
lkclget another grant23:10
lkclok? :)23:10
lkclmarkos_, ^23:10
lkcllet's draw a line - expediently - under the maddsubrs instruction(s), create a report, discuss it, and use it as the basis for applying for another "A/V" NLnet grant.23:11
lkclthis is important, everyone23:11
lkclwe are *not* here to "do more work than the budget can possibly justify"23:11
lkclif the task turns out to be bigger than what was needed, *draw a line in the sand* and *redefine the task so it is 100% achievable*23:12
lkcli cannot repeat enough times that this is the strategy we have to stick to23:13
lkclto emphasise, sadoon: it is in effect *not* good that "bookworm" has changed, because it is irrelevant. the goal is "complete the porting of *a* SFFS debian distro" which is why i said "pick a stable one under no circumstances include backports or security/updates" as it is a non-moving target23:15
lkclbased on the SUCCESS of that goal we can apply for ANOTHER grant to do further work23:15
lkclbecause we demonstrated that we can deliver23:15
lkclsee how that works?23:15

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