Thursday, 2020-09-24

lkclabout the conversion to SVG this one's a good place to start
lkcland you can see we found some SVG logic gates that are CC licensed14:37
lkclmePy2[m]: one idea here is that with SVG it is possible to use a javascript web real-time circuit simulator to actually show the gates14:38
lkcland have the SVG diagram "light up"14:38
lkclso one important thing is to include names on objects and sub-objects14:39
lkclrather than have the editor create names "$1" "$2" "$3" etc.14:39
lkclthat way the javascript can be written to tree-walk the DOM of the SVG when it's imported and find the right "thing" to highlight14:40
lkclah - jacob found this
mePy2[m]Well. My “plan”. Or better, what I could do, is to make all the images. And then someone should look at them for review. But I think I would not use the exact same e.g. AND logic port image for all my drawings. Instead I think I would find much quicker to just draw each ports for each image. Am I clear enough?20:55
mePy2[m]Anyway, what about using a software for creating circuits directly instead?21:00
mePy2[m]F.e. this (I use it at school)
mePy2[m] * Well. My “plan”. Or better, what I could do, is to make all the images. And then someone should look at them for review. But I think I would not use the exact same e.g. AND logic port image for all my drawings. Instead I think I would find much quicker to just draw each "set of ports" for each image. Am I clear enough?21:29
lkclahhh yeah circuitjs.  we looked at that and found that because it uses Google Web Toolkit it consumes 100% CPU.  wark-wark :)21:37
lkclif you think you can do that one ( ) quicker without using the CC-licensed SVG logic gates, great, go for it21:39
lkclbut, start with just that one diagram
mePy2[m]About that GWT thing, yeah. It was nice though.22:27
mePy2[m]Anyway, for a quick work I will use a commercial program I already have on my Mac. But if it is a problem I think it should not be a real issue to get used to Inkscape.22:27
mePy2[m]Ok... well, it was not as fast as I expected it to be.23:49
mePy2[m]Anyway I made the SVG image. I am missing only the text next to the gates. One is "op en", the other one is?... lkcl23:49
lkclmePy2[m]: hmm i have to look at the original PDF23:52
lkclit is "cl something" meaning "close something"23:52
lkcloh wait!  open23:53
lkcland close23:53
mePy2[m]close what?23:53
mePy2[m]I thought more "op en" --> "opcode enable"23:54
mePy2[m]Dunno thought.23:55
mePy2[m] * Dunno though23:55
mePy2[m]Anyway, what should I do now? Where I could put it?23:55
mePy2[m]It is quite late here, bed time now :)23:56
mePy2[m]oh sh**t... "open" and "close" lol!23:57
mePy2[m]Ok, waiting for instructions now :)23:58
mePy2[m]Good night :)23:58

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