
TODO: add links to images, here

Shadow Matrices and Contracts of Sale

we are having some difficulty in effectively communicating the "contract" - the API - that is required for an out-of-order processor to become an effective parallel engine that happens to respect sequential instruction order in what is termed a "precise exception" fashion.

i began the technical discussion here: https://bugs.libre-soc.org/show_bug.cgi?id=397

i wanted in particular to raise the observation of an analogy when buying goods and services - or, better - a house.

the current Wishbone interface uses the following contract language:

"hello {insert person here}, i love your house.
i will offer you $$$$$ for it, RIGHT now.
this is a take-it or leave-it offer.
i require your answer immediately.
i will transfer the money immediately to your bank"

most people, unless the value offered was extremely high, would shut the door in a hurry, and probably call the police. even then, they'd probably be backing away.

yet this protocol - this type of contract - is a fundamental part of computer science! it's used in many many places.

what we actually need is this protocol:

"hello {insert person here}, i love your house.
if i was to give you an offer of $$$ for it, what would you say?
i can go away and give you time to think about it.
i will come back later for your answer
if you agree, we can then exchange and sign contracts.
or, at any time (including right now), up until we exchange
contracts, you can say no"

THIS is the protocol that we need for our processor, in ALL aspects and at ALL levels.

the contract is:

  • speculative (an offer)
  • it is possible to offer MULTIPLE contracts to MULTIPLE people (view several houses)
  • it is possible to even move forward right the way to exchange of contracts - in parallel
  • it is possible to even buy multiple houses in parallel and to have multiple outstanding contracts.
  • it is possible for anyone to pull out - at any time - on any of those contracts.

this basically illustrates very clearly that the augmented-6600 system that we are deploying is in fact a very simple and well-known contract negotiation technique!

where the "precise" part comes into play (where the Shadow Dependency Matrix is activated) is where the analogy breaks down.

the Shadow Matrix preserve the instruction order where, if one of the above "contracts" is cancelled, any contracts that were INITIATED after the time that the cancelled contract was cancelled, those other contracts are ALSO CANCELLED.

this is how we achieve "precise exceptions".

let's go back to that contract terminology, illustrating the shadow diagram here https://libre-soc.org/3d_gpu/shadow.svg

  "hello {insert person here}, i love your house.
         ISSUE and SHADOW is raised
   if i was to give you an offer of $$$ for it, what would you say?
        REQ_READ is asserted
   i can go away and give you time to think about it.
        GO_READ asserted to indicate "i'm thinking about it"
   i will come back later for your answer
       REQ_WRITE internal condition is asserted
       but because SHADOW is held, REQ_WRITE does
      NOT go out [the contract is NOT signed]
  if you agree, we can exchange and sign contracts.
     "SHADOW_SUCCESS" flag is raised, SHADOW is dropped.
  or, at any time (including right now), up until we exchange
  contracts, you can say no"
    "SHADOW_FAIL" flag is raised, GO_DIE is asserted for one cycle.

something like that. it's not quite like that, but it's close. for example: GO_READ could indicate that the potential seller is happy to review the contract. GO_WRITE could indicate "the contract has been signed".

or, if we apply this to the LD/ST protocol (which may be more accurate an analogy), "GO_ADDR" may be considered "i'm thinking about it", "GO_WRITE" could be "the solicitor is drafting the contract" and "GO_STORE" could be "the contract is signed".

however the important part is to understand and appreciate - at all - that the 6600 precise-augmented protocol is a standard contract negotiation procedure that is required to have two separate phases:

  • an "offer" phase, being the start of the transaction.
  • an "exchange" phase, during which the "offer" may not change.
  • a recognition of "completion" being the end of the transaction.

thus we have actually 2 distinct phases (offer, exchange) delineated by terminology that marks the time at which the FSM transitions (offer, exchange, complete).

this is absolutely fundamental to understand when it comes to our architecture. proposals to use technology and APIs that are of the "standard" (simple) protocol - as implemented for example by Wishbone - will not work for us.

the problem that we have is that whilst the ALU "result-generation" pipelines do not interact with the "Shadow" system in any way (they are simply subjected to cancellation), the following do interact with it:

  • Branch
  • Trap
  • Predication (when we get to it)

LOAD/STORE in particular is complex in that there are successive cascades of ever-faster caches (L0, L1, L2, L3) that have protocols that must be respected, all whilst preserving this contract.

it is particularly unfortunate, then, to find that after careful consideration, Wishbone's simple protocols are fundamentally incompatible with what we need.

we will therefore need to design a Bus Protocol that does actually work for this processor, based on the standard Contract of Sale to help guide us in that design.

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