Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton

Lead dev and Project Coordinator for Libre-SOC.

Priority tasks to keep an eye on

Status tracking

move things along from one stage to the next

Currently working on

Completed but not yet submitted:



before that

Project 2019-10-029 14mar2020 coriolis2

Project 2019-02-012 06dec2020 Core

Project 2019-10-043 06dec2020 wishbone

Project 2019-10-032 06dec2020 proofs

Submitted for NLNet RFP

submitted 2021-dec-09 but not confirmed paid

Project 2019-02-012 04sep2020 Core

Project 2019-02-012 Date {TEMPLATE INSERT DATE}


donation from NLNet confirmed received:

coriolis2 2021-apr-04

2019-10P-046 19-aug-2020 NLNet 2019-10-046 Formal Standards OpenPOWER

proofs 2019-10-032

wishbone 2019-10-043

Project 2019-02-012 28-apr-2020

2019-10P-046 28-apr-2020 NLNet 2019 Formal Standards OpenPOWER

Project 2019-10-029 Date 14mar2020

Project 2019-02-012 Date 12mar2020

Project 2019-02-012 Date 28jan2020