This document is my will as of Sunday 2nd January 202r. It represents my
final wishes, and it invalidates all prior wills written by me.

All my Intellectual Property - all patents trademarks copyright ideas and
designs - irrevocably immediately and automatically transfer to the
Free Software Foundation ( without right of transfer to
any other party, and without any right of re-licensing under any License
other than those already established by those works.

All physical property and bank accounts shall transfer to my daughter,
Lilyana Leighton.  I wish my friends, Aaron Mackie and Alain Williams,
to look after Lilyana until she is 18.  I instruct Aaron Mackie and
Alain Williams to be the Executors of my estate.

I also give instruction for a private post mortem and
pathologist reports on my condition and cause of death with my body
in the care of Dr Alex Hankey or his personal representative.
The Coroner's Report shall be published in full both online and
in newspapers and the General Medical Council notified.

Signed this date and electronically committed to the Libre-SOC
Repository with my public key

    KelM4hm/4ffePLEKbVCx2WZqD4IJmTYHIatcSJnMYPw== lkcl@teenymac

Signature: ______________________________

Date:      ______________________________