GPR Ternary Logic Immediate

Add this section to Book I 3.3.13


TLI 0.5 6.10 11.15 16.20 21.28 29.30 31 Form
  • ternlogi RT, RA, RB, TLI (Rc=0)
  • ternlogi. RT, RA, RB, TLI (Rc=1)


    result <- (~RT & ~RA & ~RB & TLI[0]*64) | # 64 copies of TLI[0]
              (~RT & ~RA &  RB & TLI[1]*64) | # ...
              (~RT &  RA & ~RB & TLI[2]*64) |
              (~RT &  RA &  RB & TLI[3]*64) |
              ( RT & ~RA & ~RB & TLI[4]*64) |
              ( RT & ~RA &  RB & TLI[5]*64) |
              ( RT &  RA & ~RB & TLI[6]*64) | # ...
              ( RT &  RA &  RB & TLI[7]*64)   # 64 copies of TLI[7]
    RT <- result

For each integer value i, 0 to 63, do the following.

    Let j be the value of the concatenation of the
    contents of bit i of RT, bit i of RB, bit i of RT.
    The value of bit j of TLI is placed into bit i of RT.

    See Table 145, "xxeval(A, B, C, TLI) Equivalent
    Functions," on page 968 for the equivalent function
    evaluated by this instruction for any given value of TLI.

Programmer's Note: this is a Read-Modify-Write instruction on RT. A simple copy instruction may be used to achieve the effect of 3-in 1-out. The copy instruction should come immediately before ternlogi so that hardware may optionally Macro-Op Fuse them

Programmer's note: This instruction is useful when combined with Matrix REMAP in "Inner Product" Mode, creating Warshall Transitive Closure that has many applications in Computer Science.

Special registers altered:

    CR0                    (if Rc=1)


Condition Register Field Ternary Logic Immediate

Add this section to Book I 2.5.1


0.5 6.8 9.10 11.13 14.15 16.18 19.25 26.30 31 Form
  • crfternlogi BF, BFA, BFB, TLI, msk


    a <- CR[4*BF+32:4*BF+35]
    b <- CR[4*BFA+32:4*BFA+35]
    c <- CR[4*BFB+32:4*BFB+35]
    ternary <- (~a & ~b & ~c & TLI[0]*4) | # 4 copies of TLI[0]
               (~a & ~b &  c & TLI[1]*4) | # 4 copies of TLI[1]
               (~a &  b & ~c & TLI[2]*4) | # ...
               (~a &  b &  c & TLI[3]*4) |
               ( a & ~b & ~c & TLI[4]*4) |
               ( a & ~b &  c & TLI[5]*4) |
               ( a &  b & ~c & TLI[6]*4) | # ...
               ( a &  b &  c & TLI[7]*4))  # 4 copies of TLI[7]
    do i = 0 to 3
        if msk[i] = 1 then
            CR[4*BF+32+i] <- ternary[i]

For each integer value i, 0 to 3, do the following.

    Let j be the value of the concatenation of the
    contents of bit i of CR Field BF, bit i of CR Field BFA,
    bit i of CR Field BFB.

    If bit i of msk is set to 1 then the value of bit j of TLI
    is placed into bit i of CR Field BF.

    Otherwise, if bit i of msk is a zero then bit i of
    CR Field BF is unchanged.

    See Table 145, "xxeval(A, B, C, TLI) Equivalent
    Functions," on page 968 for the equivalent function
    evaluated by this instruction for any given value of TLI.

If msk is zero an Illegal Instruction trap is raised.

Programmer's Note: this instruction is a "masked" overwrite on CR Field BF. For each bit set in msk a Write is performed but for each bit clear in msk the corresponding bit of BF is preserved. Overall this makes crbinlog a conditionally Read-Modify-Write instruction on CR Field BF. A simple copy instruction may be used to achieve the effect of 3-in 1-out. The copy instruction should come immediately before crternlogi so that hardware may optionally Macro-Op Fuse them

Special registers altered:

    CR field BF


Condition Register Ternary Logic Immediate

Add this section to Book I 2.5.1


TLI 0.5 6.10 11.15 16.20 21.28 29.31 Form
  • crternlogi BT, BA, BB, TLI


    idx <- CR[BT+32] || CR[BA+32] || CR[BB+32]
    CR[4*BT+32] <- TLI[7-idx]

Special registers altered:



GPR Dynamic Binary Logic

Add this section to Book I 3.3.13


0-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26 27-31 Form
  • binlog RT, RA, RB, RC, nh


    if nh = 1 then lut <- (RC)[56:59]
    else           lut <- (RC)[60:63]
    result <- (~RA & ~RB & lut[0]*64) |
              (~RA &  RB & lut[1]*64) |
              ( RA & ~RB & lut[2]*64) |
              ( RA &  RB & lut[3]*64))
    RT <- result

For each integer value i, 0 to 63, do the following.

    If nh contains a 0, let lut be the four LSBs of RC
    (bits 60 to 63).  Otherwise let lut be the next
    four LSBs of RC (bits 56 to 59).

    Let j be the value of the concatenation of the
    contents of bit i of RT with bit i of RB.

    The value of bit j of lut is placed into bit i of RT.

Special registers altered:


Programmer's Note:

Dynamic (non-immediate-based) Ternary Logic, suitable for FPGA-style LUT3 dynamic lookups and for JIT runtime acceleration, may be emulated by appropriate combination of binlog and ternlogi, using the nh (next half) operand to select first and second nibble:

    # compute r3 = ternlog(r4, r5, r6, table=r7)
    # compute the values for when r6[i] = 0:
    binlog r3, r4, r5, r7, 0  # takes look-up-table from LSB 4 bits
    # compute the values for when r6[i] = 1:
    binlog r4, r4, r5, r7, 1  # takes look-up-table from second-to-LSB 4 bits
    # mux the two results together: r3 = (r3 & ~r6) | (r4 & r6)
    ternlogi r3, r4, r6, 0b11011000


Condition Register Field Dynamic Binary Logic

Add this section to Book I 2.5.1


0.5 6.8 9.10 11.13 14.15 16.18 19.25 26.30 31 Form
PO BF msk BFA msk BFB // XO // CRB-Form
  • crfbinlog BF, BFA, BFB, msk


    a <- CR[4*BF+32:4*BFA+35]
    b <- CR[4*BFA+32:4*BFA+35]
    lut <- CR[4*BFB+32:4*BFB+35]
    binary <- (~a & ~b & lut[0]*4) |
              (~a &  b & lut[1]*4) |
              ( a & ~b & lut[2]*4) |
              ( a &  b & lut[3]*4))
    do i = 0 to 3
        if msk[i] = 1 then
            CR[4*BF+32+i] <- binary[i]

For each integer value i, 0 to 3, do the following.

    Let j be the value of the concatenation of the
    contents of bit i of CR Field BF with bit i of CR Field BFA.

    If bit i of msk is set to 1 then the value of bit j of
    CR Field BFB is placed into bit i of CR Field BF.

    Otherwise, if bit i of msk is a zero then bit i of
    CR Field BF is unchanged.

If msk is zero an Illegal Instruction trap is raised.

Special registers altered:

    CR field BF

Programmer's Note: just as with binlut and ternlogi, a pair of crbinlog instructions followed by a merging crternlogi may be deployed to synthesise dynamic ternary (LUT3) CR Field manipulation

Programmer's Note: this instruction is a "masked" overwrite on CR Field BF. For each bit set in msk a Write is performed but for each bit clear in msk the corresponding bit of BF is preserved. Overall this makes crbinlog a conditionally Read-Modify-Write instruction on CR Field BF. A simple copy instruction may be used to achieve the effect of 3-in 1-out. The copy instruction should come immediately before crternlogi so that hardware may optionally Macro-Op Fuse them

Condition Register Dynamic Binary Logic

Add this section to Book I 2.5.1


0.5 6.10 11.15 16.20 21.30 31 Form
  • crbinlog BF, BFA, BFB, msk


    lut <- CR[4*BFB+32:4*BFB+35]
    idx <- CR[BT+32] || CR[BA+32]
    CR[BT+32] <- lut[3-idx]

Special registers altered:


Programmer's Note: just as with binlut and ternlogi, a pair of crbinlog instructions followed by a merging crternlogi may be deployed to synthesise dynamic ternary (LUT3) CR Field manipulation
