Simple-V (Parallelism Extension Proposal) Specification (Abridged)
- Copyright (C) 2017, 2018, 2019 Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
- Status: DRAFTv0.6
- Last edited: 27 jun 2019
- See: main specification and appendix
Simple-V is a uniform parallelism API for RISC-V hardware that allows the Program Counter to enter "sub-contexts" in which, ultimately, standard RISC-V scalar opcodes are executed.
Regardless of the actual amount of hardware parallelism (if any is added at all by the implementor), in direct contrast to SIMD hardware parallelism is entirely transparent to software.
The sub-context execution is "nested" in "re-entrant" form, in the following order:
- Main standard RISC-V Program Counter (PC)
- VBLOCK sub-execution context (PCVBLK increments whilst PC is paused).
- VL element loops (STATE srcoffs and destoffs increment, PC and PCVBLK pause). Predication bits may be individually applied per element.
- Optional SUBVL element loops (STATE svdestoffs increments, VL pauses). Individual predicate bits from VL loops apply to the group of SUBVL elements.
An ancillary "SVPrefix" Format (P48/P64) sv prefix proposal may run its own VL/SUBVL "loops" and specifies its own Register and Predication format on the 32-bit RV scalar opcode embedded within it.
The vblock format specifies how VBLOCK sub-execution contexts operate.
SV is never actually switched "off". VL or SUBVL may be equal to 1, and Register or Predicate over-ride tables may be empty: under such circumstances the behaviour becomes effectively identical to standard RV execution, however SV is never truly actually "off".
Note: there are no new vector opcodes. The scheme works entirely on hidden context that augments (nests) scalar RISC-V instructions. Thus it may cover existing, future and custom scalar extensions, turning all existing, all future and all custom scalar operations parallel, without requiring any special (identical, parallel variant) opcodes to do so.
Associated proposals for use with 3D and HPC:
- sv.setvl - replaces the use of CSRs to set VL (saves 32 bits)
- mv.x - provides MV.swizzle and MVX (reg[rd] = reg[reg[rs]])
- ztrans proposal - provides trigonometric and transcendental operations
There are five CSRs, available in any privilege level:
- MVL (the Maximum Vector Length)
- VL (which has different characteristics from standard CSRs)
- SUBVL (effectively a kind of SIMD)
- STATE (containing copies of MVL, VL and SUBVL as well as context information)
- PCVBLK (the current operation being executed within a VBLOCK Group)
For Privilege Levels (trap handling) there are the following CSRs, where x may be u, m, s or h for User, Machine, Supervisor or Hypervisor Modes respectively:
- (x)ePCVBLK (a copy of the sub-execution Program Counter, that is relative to the start of the current VBLOCK Group, set on a trap).
- (x)eSTATE (useful for saving and restoring during context switch, and for providing fast transitions)
The u/m/s CSRs are treated and handled exactly like their (x)epc equivalents. On entry to or exit from a privilege level, the contents of its (x)eSTATE are swapped with STATE.
(x)EPCVBLK CSRs must be treated exactly like their corresponding (x)epc equivalents. See VBLOCK section for details.
MAXVECTORLENGTH is the same concept as MVL in RVV, except that it is variable length and may be dynamically set. MVL is however limited to the regfile bitwidth XLEN (1-32 for RV32, 1-64 for RV64 and so on).
Vector Length (VL)
VSETVL is slightly different from RVV. Similar to RVV, VL is set to be within the range 1 <= VL <= MVL (where MVL in turn is limited to 1 <= MVL <= XLEN)
VL = rd = MIN(vlen, MVL)
where 1 <= MVL <= XLEN
SUBVL - Sub Vector Length
This is a "group by quantity" that effectively asks each iteration of the hardware loop to load SUBVL elements of width elwidth at a time. Effectively, SUBVL is like a SIMD multiplier: instead of just 1 operation issued, SUBVL operations are issued.
The main effect of SUBVL is that predication bits are applied per group, rather than by individual element. Legal values are 1 to 4. Illegal values raise an exception.
This is a standard CSR that contains sufficient information for a full context save/restore. It contains (and permits setting of):
- VL
- destoffs - the destination element offset of the current parallel instruction being executed
- srcoffs - for twin-predication, the source element offset as well.
- dsvoffs - the subvector destination element offset of the current parallel instruction being executed
The format of the STATE CSR is as follows:
(31..28) | (27..26) | (25..24) | (23..18) | (17..12) | (11..6) | (5...0) |
rsvd | dsvoffs | subvl | destoffs | srcoffs | vl | maxvl |
The relationship between SUBVL and the subvl field is:
SUBVL | (25..24) |
1 | 0b00 |
2 | 0b01 |
3 | 0b10 |
4 | 0b11 |
- The entries are truncated to be within range. Attempts to set VL to greater than MAXVL will truncate VL.
- Both VL and MAXVL are stored offset by one. 0b000000 represents VL=1, 0b000001 represents VL=2. This allows the full range 1 to XLEN instead of 0 to only 63.
VL, MVL and SUBVL instruction aliases
This table contains pseudo-assembly instruction aliases. Note the subtraction of 1 from the CSRRWI pseudo variants, to compensate for the reduced range of the 5 bit immediate.
alias | CSR |
SETVL rd, rs | CSRRW VL, rd, rs |
SETVLi rd, #n | CSRRWI VL, rd, #n-1 |
GETVL rd | CSRRW VL, rd, x0 |
SETMVL rd, rs | CSRRW MVL, rd, rs |
SETMVLi rd, #n | CSRRWI MVL,rd, #n-1 |
GETMVL rd | CSRRW MVL, rd, x0 |
Note: CSRRC and other bitsetting may still be used, they are however not particularly useful (very obscure).
Register key-value (CAM) table
The purpose of the Register table is to mark which registers change behaviour if used in a "Standard" (normally scalar) opcode.
16 bit format:
RegCAM | 15 | (14..8) | 7 | (6..5) | (4..0) |
0 | isvec0 | regidx0 | i/f | vew0 | regkey0 |
1 | isvec1 | regidx1 | i/f | vew1 | regkey1 |
2 | isvec2 | regidx2 | i/f | vew2 | regkey2 |
3 | isvec3 | regidx3 | i/f | vew3 | regkey3 |
8 bit format:
RegCAM | 7 | (6..5) | (4..0) |
0 | i/f | vew0 | regnum |
Showing the mapping (relationship) between 8-bit and 16-bit format:
RegCAM | 15 | (14..8) | 7 | (6..5) | (4..0) |
0 | isvec=1 | regnum0<<2 | i/f | vew0 | regnum0 |
1 | isvec=1 | regnum1<<2 | i/f | vew1 | regnum1 |
2 | isvec=1 | regnum2<<2 | i/f | vew2 | regnum2 |
3 | isvec=1 | regnum3<<2 | i/f | vew3 | regnum3 |
- i/f is set to "1" to indicate that the redirection/tag entry is to be applied to integer registers; 0 indicates that it is relevant to floating-point registers.
- isvec indicates that the register (whether a src or dest) is to progress incrementally forward on each loop iteration. this gives the "effect" of vectorisation. isvec is zero indicates "do not progress", giving the "effect" of that register being scalar.
- vew overrides the operation's default width. See table below
- regkey is the register which, if encountered in an op (as src or dest) is to be "redirected"
- in the 16-bit format, regidx is the actual register to be used for the operation (note that it is 7 bits wide)
vew | bitwidth |
00 | default (XLEN/FLEN) |
01 | 8 bit |
10 | 16 bit |
11 | 32 bit |
As the above table is a CAM (key-value store) it may be appropriate (faster, less gates, implementation-wise) to expand it as follows:
struct vectorised {
bool isvector:1;
int vew:2;
int predidx:7;
bool enabled:1;
struct vectorised fp_vec[32], int_vec[32];
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) // from VBLOCK Format
tb = int_vec if CSRvec[i].type == 0 else fp_vec
idx = CSRvec[i].regkey // INT/FP src/dst reg in opcode
tb[idx].elwidth = CSRvec[i].elwidth
tb[idx].regidx = CSRvec[i].regidx // indirection
tb[idx].isvector = CSRvec[i].isvector // 0=scalar
tb[idx].enabled = true;
Predication Table
The Predication Table is a key-value store indicating whether, if a given destination register (integer or floating-point) is referred to in an instruction, it is to be predicated. Like the Register table, it is an indirect lookup that allows the RV opcodes to not need modification.
- regidx is the register that in combination with the i/f flag, if that integer or floating-point register is referred to in a (standard RV) instruction results in the lookup table being referenced to find the predication mask to use for this operation.
- predidx is the actual (full, 7 bit) register to be used for the predication mask.
- inv indicates that the predication mask bits are to be inverted prior to use without actually modifying the contents of the register from which those bits originated.
- zeroing is either 1 or 0, and if set to 1, the operation must place zeros in any element position where the predication mask is set to zero. If zeroing is set to 0, unpredicated elements must be left alone (unaltered), even when elwidth != default.
- ffirst is a special mode that stops sequential element processing when a data-dependent condition occurs, whether a trap or a conditional test. The handling of each (trap or conditional test) is slightly different: see Instruction sections for further details
16 bit format:
PrCSR | (15..11) | 10 | 9 | 8 | (7..1) | 0 |
0 | predidx | zero0 | inv0 | i/f | regidx | ffirst0 |
1 | predidx | zero1 | inv1 | i/f | regidx | ffirst1 |
2 | predidx | zero2 | inv2 | i/f | regidx | ffirst2 |
3 | predidx | zero3 | inv3 | i/f | regidx | ffirst3 |
Note: predidx=x0, zero=1, inv=1 is a RESERVED encoding. Its use must generate an illegal instruction trap.
8 bit format:
PrCSR | 7 | 6 | 5 | (4..0) |
0 | zero0 | inv0 | i/f | regnum |
Mapping from 8 to 16 bit format, the table becomes:
PrCSR | (15..11) | 10 | 9 | 8 | (7..1) | 0 |
0 | x9 | zero0 | inv0 | i/f | regnum | ff=0 |
1 | x10 | zero1 | inv1 | i/f | regnum | ff=0 |
2 | x11 | zero2 | inv2 | i/f | regnum | ff=0 |
3 | x12 | zero3 | inv3 | i/f | regnum | ff=0 |
Pseudocode for predication:
struct pred {
bool zero; // zeroing
bool inv; // register at predidx is inverted
bool ffirst; // fail-on-first
bool enabled; // use this to tell if the table-entry is active
int predidx; // redirection: actual int register to use
struct pred fp_pred_reg[32]; // 64 in future (bank=1)
struct pred int_pred_reg[32]; // 64 in future (bank=1)
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) // number of Predication entries in VBLOCK
tb = int_pred_reg if PredicateTable[i].type == 0 else fp_pred_reg;
idx = PredicateTable[i].regidx
tb[idx].zero = CSRpred[i].zero
tb[idx].inv = CSRpred[i].inv
tb[idx].ffirst = CSRpred[i].ffirst
tb[idx].predidx = CSRpred[i].predidx
tb[idx].enabled = true
def get_pred_val(bool is_fp_op, int reg):
tb = int_reg if is_fp_op else fp_reg
if (!tb[reg].enabled):
return ~0x0, False // all enabled; no zeroing
tb = int_pred if is_fp_op else fp_pred
if (!tb[reg].enabled):
return ~0x0, False // all enabled; no zeroing
predidx = tb[reg].predidx // redirection occurs HERE
predicate = intreg[predidx] // actual predicate HERE
if (tb[reg].inv):
predicate = ~predicate // invert ALL bits
return predicate, tb[reg].zero
Swizzle Table
The swizzle table is a key-value store that indicates (if a given register is used, and SUBVL is 2, 3 or 4) that the sub-elements are to be re-ordered according to the indices in the Swizzle format. Like the Predication Table, it is an indirect lookup: use of a source or destination register in any given operation, if that register occurs in the table, "activates" sub-vector element swizzling for that register. Note that the target is taken from the "Register Table" (regidx).
Source vectors are free to have the swizzle indices point to the same sub-vector element. However when using swizzling on destination vectors, the swizzle must be a permutation (no two swizzle indices point to the same sub-element). An illegal instruction exception must be raised if this occurs.
Swizzle format:
7:6 | 5:4 | 3:2 | 1:0 |
w | z | y | x |
Unsigned consts:
(1..0) | type |
0 | 0x00000 |
1 | LSB Hi (0x00..001) |
2 | MSB Hi (0x10..000) |
3 | 0xfff...ff |
Signed consts:
(1..0) | type |
0 | 0x00000 |
1 | LSB Hi (0x00..001) |
2 | MSB Hi (0x10..000) |
3 | 0x7ff...ff |
FP consts:
(1..0) | type |
0 | 0.0 |
1 | 1.0 |
2 | 0.5 |
3 | pi |
(2..0) | type |
0 | xyzw |
1 | consts |
2-7 | rsvd |
16 bit format:
SwzCAM | (15..13) | (12..8) | (7..0) |
0 | type0 | regidx0 | swiz0 |
1 | type1 | regidx1 | swiz1 |
2 | type2 | regidx2 | swiz2 |
3 | type3 | regidx3 | swiz3 |
Simplified pseudocode example, when SUBVL=4 and swizzle is set on rd:
# default indices if no swizzling table entry present
x, y, z, w = 0, 1, 2, 3
# lookup swizzling in table for rd
if swizzle_table[rd].active:
swizzle = swizzle_table[rd].swizzle
# decode the swizzle table entry for rd
x = swizzle[0:1] # sub-element 0
y = swizzle[2:3] # sub-element 1
z = swizzle[4:5] # sub-element 2
w = swizzle[6:7] # sub-element 3
# redirect register numbers through Register Table
rd = int_vec[rd ].isvector ? int_vec[rd ].regidx : rd;
rs1 = int_vec[rs1].isvector ? int_vec[rs1].regidx : rs1;
rs2 = int_vec[rs2].isvector ? int_vec[rs2].regidx : rs2;
# loop on VL: SUBVL loop is unrolled (SUBVL=4)
for (i in 0; i < VL; i++)
ireg[rd+i*4+x] = OPERATION(ireg[rs1+i*4+0], ireg[rs2+i*4+0])
ireg[rd+i*4+y] = OPERATION(ireg[rs1+i*4+1], ireg[rs2+i*4+1])
ireg[rd+i*4+z] = OPERATION(ireg[rs1+i*4+2], ireg[rs2+i*4+2])
ireg[rd+i*4+w] = OPERATION(ireg[rs1+i*4+3], ireg[rs2+i*4+3])
For more information on swizzling, see the Khronos wiki page
Fail-on-First Mode
ffirst is a special data-dependent predicate mode. There are two variants: one is for faults: typically for LOAD/STORE operations, which may encounter end of page faults during a series of operations. The other variant is comparisons, and anything that returns "zero" or "fail". Note: no instruction may operate in both fault mode and "condition fail" mode.
Fail on first critically relies on the program order being sequential, even for elements. Out of order designs must commit in-order, and are required to cancel elements at and beyond the fail point.
See appendix for more details on fail-on-first modes.
Simplified Pseudo-code example
A greatly simplified example illustrating (just) the VL hardware for-loop is as follows:
function op_add(rd, rs1, rs2) # add not VADD!
int i, id=0, irs1=0, irs2=0;
predval = get_pred_val(FALSE, rd);
rd = int_vec[rd ].isvector ? int_vec[rd ].regidx : rd;
rs1 = int_vec[rs1].isvector ? int_vec[rs1].regidx : rs1;
rs2 = int_vec[rs2].isvector ? int_vec[rs2].regidx : rs2;
for (i = 0; i < VL; i++)
STATE.srcoffs = i # save context
if (predval & 1<<i) # predication uses intregs
ireg[rd+id] <= ireg[rs1+irs1] + ireg[rs2+irs2];
if (!int_vec[rd ].isvector) break;
if (int_vec[rd ].isvector) { id += 1; }
if (int_vec[rs1].isvector) { irs1 += 1; }
if (int_vec[rs2].isvector) { irs2 += 1; }
if (id == VL or irs1 == VL or irs2 == VL) {
# end VL hardware loop
STATE.srcoffs = 0; # reset
STATE.ssvoffs = 0; # reset
Note that zeroing, elwidth handling, SUBVL and PCVLIW have all been left out, for clarity. For examples on how to handle each, see appendix.
Vector Block Format
The Vector Block format uses the RISC-V 80-192 bit format from Section 1.5 of the RISC-V Spec. It permits an optional VL/MVL/SUBVL block, up to 4 16-bit (or 8 8-bit) Register Table entries, the same for Predicate Entries, and the rest of the instruction may be either standard RV opcodes or the SVPrefix opcodes (sv prefix proposal)
base+4 ... base+2 | base | number of bits |
..xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | xnnnxxxxx1111111 | (80+16*nnn)-bit, nnn!=111 |
{ops}{Pred}{Reg}{VL Block} | VBLOCK Prefix |
A suitable prefix, which fits the Expanded Instruction-Length encoding for "(80 + 16 times instruction-length)", as defined in Section 1.5 of the RISC-V ISA, is as follows:
15 | 14:12 | 11:10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6:0 |
vlset | 16xil | rplen | pplen | pmode | rmode | 1111111 |
The VL/MAXVL/SubVL Block format, when 16xil != 0b111, is:
31:30 | 29:28 | 27:22 | 21 | 20:19 | 18:16 | comment.................. | |
0b00 | SubVL | imm[5:0] | rsvd | rd[4:0] | sv.setvl rd, x0, imm | ||
0b01 | SubVL | imm[5:0] | rs1[2:0] | rd[2:0] | sv.setvl rd, rs1, imm (1) | ||
0b10 | SubVL | imm[5:0] | rsvd | rs1[4:0] | sv.setvl x0, rs1, imm | ||
0b11 | rsvd | rsvd | rsvd | rsvd | reserved, all 0s |
Note (1) - Registers are in RVC format (x8-x15)
Note (2) - sv.setvl behaviour is expected, as if an sv.setvl instruction had actually been called.
When 16xil is 0b111, this is the "Extended" Format, using the >= 192-bit RISC-V ISA format. Note that the length is 96+16*nnnnn, not 192+
base+5 ... base+3 | base+1 | base | no. of bits |
..xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | x111xxxxx1111111 | 96+16*nnnnn | |
{ops}{Pred}{Reg}{VL Block} | VBLOCK2 | VBLOCK Prefix |
VBLOCK2 extends the VBLOCK fields:
15 | 14:12 | 11:10 | 9:8 | 7:5 | 4:0 |
rsvd | mapsz | rplen2 | pplen2 | swlen | ilen |
- ilen is the instruction length (number of 16-bit blocks)
- swlen specifies the number of "swizzle" blocks
- rplen2 extends rplen by 2 bits
- pplen2 extends pplen by 2 bits
- mapsz indicates the size of the "remap" area. See table below for size
- 1 bit is reserved for extensions
Mapsz to Remap size is in number of 16-bit blocks:
mapsz | remap size |
0 | 0 |
1 | 6 |
2 | 7 |
3 | 8 |
4 | 10 |
5 | 12 |
6 | 14 |
7 | 16 |
For full details see ancillary resource: vblock format
Exception handling MUST be precise, in-order, and exactly like Standard RISC-V as far as the instruction execution order is concerned, regardless of whether it is PC, PCVBLK, VL or SUBVL that is currently being incremented. extremely important. Exceptions MUST be raised one at a time and in strict sequential program order.
No instructions are permitted to be out of sequence, therefore no exceptions are permitted to be, either.
With Simple-V being capable of issuing parallel instructions where rd=x0, the space for possible HINTs is expanded considerably. VL could be used to indicate different hints. In addition, if predication is set, the predication register itself could hypothetically be passed in as a parameter to the HINT operation.
No specific hints are yet defined in Simple-V
Subsets of RV functionality
It is permitted to only implement SVprefix and not the VBLOCK instruction format option, and vice-versa. UNIX Platforms MUST raise illegal instruction on seeing an unsupported VBLOCK or SVprefix opcode, so that traps may emulate the format.
It is permitted in SVprefix to either not implement VL or not implement SUBVL (see sv prefix proposal for full details. Again, UNIX Platforms MUST raise illegal instruction on implementations that do not support VL or SUBVL.
It is permitted to limit the size of either (or both) the register files down to the original size of the standard RV architecture. However, below the mandatory limits set in the RV standard will result in non-compliance with the SV Specification.