Andrey Miroshnikov (andrey)

Status Tracking

Completed but not yet added to payees list

  • Bug #701: document Matrix REMAP in SVP64
    • this task is part of MoU Milestone Bug #953
  • Bug #1070: Simple-V / Libre-SOC FOSDEM Conference Feb 03-04 2024
    • this task is part of MoU Milestone Bug #1019

Payment not yet submitted


  • Bug #739: NGI POINTER Gigabit Router Pinout Considerations
    • €2000 out of total of €4000
    • this task is part of MoU Milestone Bug #850
  • Bug #890: Static Timing Analysis of eth_mac
    • €3000 out of total of €13000
    • this task is part of MoU Milestone Bug #912

MoU Milestone subtotals for not yet submitted payments

  • Bug #850: NGI POINTER Milestone 3
    • subtotal €2000 out of total including subtasks of €57000

MoU Milestone subtotals for not yet submitted payments

  • Bug #912: NGI POINTER Milestone 4
    • subtotal €3000 out of total including subtasks of €73000


  • Bug #1045: OPF ISA External RFC ls010 - SVP64 Zero-Overhead Loop Prefix System
    • €500 out of total of €3500
    • this task is part of MoU Milestone Bug #1009
  • Bug #1052: OPF RFC ls012 writeup: list of RFCs to be proposed to OPF ISA WG
    • €600 out of total of €2500
    • this task is part of MoU Milestone Bug #1009

MoU Milestone subtotals for not yet submitted payments

  • Bug #1009: Write and submit 1st Draft External RFCs
    • subtotal €1100 out of total including subtasks of €34000

Paid by NLNet


  • Bug #762: Peripheral Pin Muxing Development
    • submitted on 2022-06-10
    • paid on 2022-06-14
    • €1500 out of total of €1600
    • this task is part of MoU Milestone Bug #50
  • Bug #763: Work on I/O Core Pad JTAG Tests
    • submitted on 2022-02-10
    • paid on 2022-02-17
    • €1500 which is the total amount
    • this task is part of MoU Milestone Bug #50
  • Bug #764: Documentation of I/O Core/Pad JTAG Tests
    • submitted on 2022-06-10
    • paid on 2022-06-14
    • €1500 which is the total amount
    • this task is part of MoU Milestone Bug #50

MoU Milestone subtotals for paid payments

  • Bug #50: nmigen pinmux
    • subtotal €4500 out of total including subtasks of €6850


  • Bug #758: pypowersim and how to run bare metal programs/functions is needed
    • submitted on 2022-08-24
    • paid on 2022-09-01
    • €800 which is the total amount
    • this task is part of MoU Milestone Bug #241
  • Bug #858: SVP64 Primer Documentation
    • submitted on 2022-07-19
    • paid on 2022-07-21
    • €1500 out of total of €3000
    • this task is part of MoU Milestone Bug #243
  • Bug #875: SVP64 Spec Document Generation
    • submitted on 2022-07-19
    • paid on 2022-07-21
    • €350 out of total of €1000
    • this task is part of MoU Milestone Bug #243

MoU Milestone subtotals for paid payments

  • Bug #241: OpenPOWER Simulation is needed of standards
    • subtotal €800 out of total including subtasks of €12000

MoU Milestone subtotals for paid payments

  • Bug #243: Documentation budget for OpenPower Member discussion and proposals
    • subtotal €1850 out of total including subtasks of €6000


  • Bug #714: Coriolis2 Installation as Normal User Script
    • submitted on 2021-10-31
    • paid on 2021-11-17
    • €350 which is the total amount
    • this task is part of MoU Milestone Bug #384

MoU Milestone subtotals for paid payments

  • Bug #384: Documentation for the Libre-SOC Power ISA Core and internal architecture
    • subtotal €350 out of total including subtasks of €6900


  • Bug #865: implement vector bitmanip opcodes
    • submitted on 2022-06-26
    • paid on 2022-07-21
    • €1000 out of total of €3500
    • this task is part of MoU Milestone Bug #234
  • Bug #884: sync pysvp64asm register parsing
    • submitted on 2022-08-24
    • paid on 2022-09-01
    • €1000 out of total of €3500
    • this task is part of MoU Milestone Bug #232

MoU Milestone subtotals for paid payments

  • Bug #234: Hardware implementation of video opcodes
    • subtotal €1000 out of total including subtasks of €9000

MoU Milestone subtotals for paid payments

  • Bug #232: Implementation of video opcodes in simulator
    • subtotal €1000 out of total including subtasks of €5000