Lauri Kasanen (lauri_kasanen)
Status Tracking
Completed but not yet added to payees list
- Bug #218:
MP3 optimizations
- this task is a MoU Milestone
- Bug #230:
Video opcode development and discussion
- this task is a MoU Milestone
- Bug #232:
Implementation of video opcodes in simulator
- this task is a MoU Milestone
Payment not yet submitted
- Bug #643:
MP3: C baselines
- €150 which is the total amount
- this task is part of MoU Milestone Bug #218
MoU Milestone subtotals for not yet submitted payments
- Bug #218:
MP3 optimizations
- subtotal €150 out of total including subtasks of €750
Paid by NLNet
- Bug #557:
First round of development of Audio/Video opcodes
- submitted on 2021-04-24
- paid on 2021-05-05
- €500 out of total of €2000
- this task is part of MoU Milestone Bug #230
MoU Milestone subtotals for paid payments
- Bug #230:
Video opcode development and discussion
- subtotal €500 out of total including subtasks of €4000