RFC ls013 Min/Max GPR/FPR

Severity: Major

Status: New

Date: 14 Apr 2023

Target: v3.2B

Source: v3.1B

Books and Section affected:

    Book I Fixed-Point and Floating-Point Instructions
    Appendix E Power ISA sorted by opcode
    Appendix F Power ISA sorted by version
    Appendix G Power ISA sorted by Compliancy Subset
    Appendix H Power ISA sorted by mnemonic


    Instructions added

Submitter: Luke Leighton (Libre-SOC)

Requester: Libre-SOC

Impact on processor:

    Addition of new GPR-based and FPR-based instructions

Impact on software:

    Requires support for new instructions in assembler, debuggers,
    and related tools.


    GPR, FPR, min, max, fmin, fmax


Minimum/Maximum are common operations that can take an astounding number of operations to implement in software. Additionally, Vector Reduce-Min/Max are common vector operations, and SVP64 Parallel Reduction needs a single Scalar instruction in order to effectively implement Reduce-Min/Max.

Notes and Observations:

  1. SVP64 REMAP Parallel Reduction needs a single Scalar instruction to work with, for best effectiveness. With no SFFS minimum/maximum instructions Simple-V min/max Parallel Reduction is severely compromised.
  2. Once one FP min/max mode is implemented the rest are not much more hardware.
  3. There exists similar instructions in VSX (not IEEE754-2019 though). This is frequently used to justify not adding them. However SVP64/VSX may have different meaning from SVP64/SFFS, so it is really crucial to have SFFS ops even if "equivalent" to VSX in order for SVP64 to not be compromised (non-orthogonal).
  4. FP min/max are rather complex to implement in software, the most commonly used FP max function fmax from glibc compiled for SFFS is an astounding 32 instructions.


Add the following entries to:

  • the Appendices of Book I
  • Book I 3.3.9 Fixed-Point Arithmetic Instructions
  • Book I Floating-Point Elementary Arithmetic Instructions
  • Book I 1.6.1 and 1.6.2


Floating-Point Instructions

This group is to provide Floating-Point min/max, however with the 2019 version of IEEE 754 there are now subtle differences. These are selectable with a Mode Field, FMM.

FMM -- Floating Min/Max Mode

FMM Extended Mnemonic Origin Semantics
0000 fminnum08[s] FRT,FRA,FRB IEEE 754-2008 minNum(FRA,FRB) (1)
0001 fmin19[s] FRT,FRA,FRB IEEE 754-2019 minimum(FRA,FRB)
0010 fminnum19[s] FRT,FRA,FRB IEEE 754-2019 minimumNumber(FRA,FRB)
0011 fminc[s] FRT,FRA,FRB x86 minss (4) FRA\<FRB ? FRA:FRB
0100 fminmagnum08[s] FRT,FRA,FRB IEEE 754-2008 (3) mmmag(FRA,FRB,False,fminnum08) (2)
0101 fminmag19[s] FRT,FRA,FRB IEEE 754-2019 mmmag(FRA,FRB,False,fmin19) (2)
0110 fminmagnum19[s] FRT,FRA,FRB IEEE 754-2019 mmmag(FRA,FRB,False,fminnum19) (2)
0111 fminmagc[s] FRT,FRA,FRB - mmmag(FRA,FRB,False,fminc) (2)
1000 fmaxnum08[s] FRT,FRA,FRB IEEE 754-2008 maxNum(FRA,FRB) (1)
1001 fmax19[s] FRT,FRA,FRB IEEE 754-2019 maximum(FRA,FRB)
1010 fmaxnum19[s] FRT,FRA,FRB IEEE 754-2019 maximumNumber(FRA,FRB)
1011 fmaxc[s] FRT,FRA,FRB x86 maxss (4) FRA>FRB ? FRA:FRB
1100 fmaxmagnum08[s] FRT,FRA,FRB IEEE 754-2008 (3) mmmag(FRA,FRB,True,fmaxnum08) (2)
1101 fmaxmag19[s] FRT,FRA,FRB IEEE 754-2019 mmmag(FRA,FRB,True,fmax19) (2)
1110 fmaxmagnum19[s] FRT,FRA,FRB IEEE 754-2019 mmmag(FRA,FRB,True,fmaxnum19) (2)
1111 fmaxmagc[s] FRT,FRA,FRB - mmmag(FRA,FRB,True,fmaxc) (2)

Note (1): for the purposes of minNum/maxNum, -0.0 is defined to be less than +0.0. This is left unspecified in IEEE 754-2008.

Note (2): mmmag(x, y, cmp, fallback) is defined as:

def mmmag(x, y, is_max, fallback):
    a = abs(x) < abs(y)
    b = abs(x) > abs(y)
    if is_max:
        a, b = b, a  # swap
    if a:
        return x
    if b:
        return y
    # equal magnitudes, or NaN input(s)
    return fallback(x, y)

Note (3): TODO: icr if IEEE 754-2008 has min/maxMagNum like IEEE 754-2019's minimum/maximumMagnitudeNumber

Note (4) or Win32's min macro


Floating Minimum/Maximum MM-form

  • fminmax FRT, FRA, FRB, FMM
  • fminmax. FRT, FRA, FRB, FMM
    |0    |6    |11   |16   |21   |25  |31  |
    | PO  | FRT | FRA | FRB | FMM | XO | Rc |
    result <- [0] * 64
    a <- (FRA)
    b <- (FRB)
    abs_a <- 0b0 || a[1:63]
    abs_b <- 0b0 || b[1:63]
    a_is_nan <- abs_a >u 0x7FF0_0000_0000_0000
    a_is_snan <- a_is_nan & (a[12] = 0)
    b_is_nan <- abs_b >u 0x7FF0_0000_0000_0000
    b_is_snan <- b_is_nan & (b[12] = 0)
    any_snan <- a_is_snan | b_is_snan
    a_quieted <- a
    a_quieted[12] <- 1
    b_quieted <- b
    b_quieted[12] <- 1
    if a_is_nan | b_is_nan then
        if FMM[2:3] = 0b00 then  # min/maxnum08
            if a_is_snan then result <- a_quieted
            else if b_is_snan then result <- b_quieted
            else if a_is_nan & b_is_nan then result <- a_quieted
            else if a_is_nan then result <- b
            else result <- a
        if FMM[2:3] = 0b01 then  # min/max19
            if a_is_nan then result <- a_quieted
            else result <- b_quieted
        if FMM[2:3] = 0b10 then  # min/maxnum19
            if a_is_nan & b_is_nan then result <- a_quieted
            else if a_is_nan then result <- b
            else result <- a
        if FMM[2:3] = 0b11 then  # min/maxc
            result <- b
        cmp_l <- a
        cmp_r <- b
        if FMM[1] then  # min/maxmag
            if abs_a != abs_b then
                cmp_l <- abs_a
                cmp_r <- abs_b
        if FMM[2:3] = 0b11 then  # min/maxc
            if abs_a = 0 then cmp_l[0:63] <- 0
            if abs_b = 0 then cmp_r[0:63] <- 0
        if FMM[0] then  # max
            # swap cmp_* so comparison goes the other way
            cmp_l, cmp_r <- cmp_r, cmp_l
        if cmp_l[0] = 1 then
            if cmp_r[0] = 0 then result <- a
            else if cmp_l >u cmp_r then
                # IEEE 754 is sign-magnitude,
                # so bigger magnitude negative is smaller
                result <- a
            else result <- b
        else if cmp_r[0] = 1 then result <- b
        else if cmp_l <u cmp_r then result <- a
        else result <- b
    if any_snan then SetFX(FPSCR.VXSNAN)
    if (FPSCR.VE = 0) | ¬any_snan then (FRT) <- result

Compute the minimum/maximum of FRA and FRB, according to FMM, and store the result in FRT.

Special Registers altered:

    CR1     (if Rc=1)

Extended Mnemonics:

see FMM -- Floating Min/Max Mode

Fixed-Point Instructions

These are signed and unsigned, min or max. SVP64 Prefixing defines Saturation semantics therefore Saturated variants of these instructions need not be proposed.

MMM -- Integer Min/Max Mode

  • bit 0: set if word variant else dword
  • bit 1: set if signed else unsigned
  • bit 2: set if max else min
MMM Extended Mnemonic Semantics
000 minu RT,RA,RB (uint64_t)RA < (uint64_t)RB ? RA : RB
001 maxu RT,RA,RB (uint64_t)RA > (uint64_t)RB ? RA : RB
010 mins RT,RA,RB (int64_t)RA < (int64_t)RB ? RA : RB
011 maxs RT,RA,RB (int64_t)RA > (int64_t)RB ? RA : RB
100 minuw RT,RA,RB (uint32_t)RA < (uint32_t)RB ? RA : RB
101 maxuw RT,RA,RB (uint32_t)RA > (uint32_t)RB ? RA : RB
110 minsw RT,RA,RB (int32_t)RA < (int32_t)RB ? RA : RB
111 maxsw RT,RA,RB (int32_t)RA > (int32_t)RB ? RA : RB

Minimum/Maximum MM-Form

  • minmax RT, RA, RB, MMM
  • minmax. RT, RA, RB, MMM
    |0    |6    |11   |16   |21   |24 |25  |31  |
    | PO  | RT  | RA  | RB  | MMM | / | XO | Rc |
    a <- (RA|0)
    b <- (RB)
    if MMM[0] then  # word mode
        # shift left by XLEN/2 to make the dword comparison
        # do word comparison of the original inputs
        a <- a[XLEN/2:XLEN-1] || [0] * XLEN/2
        b <- b[XLEN/2:XLEN-1] || [0] * XLEN/2
    if MMM[1] then  # signed mode
        # invert sign bits to make the unsigned comparison
        # do signed comparison of the original inputs
        a[0] <- ¬a[0]
        b[0] <- ¬b[0]
    # if Rc = 1 then store the result of comparing a and b to CR0
    if Rc = 1 then
        if a <u b then
            CR0 <- 0b100 || XER.SO
        if a = b then
            CR0 <- 0b001 || XER.SO
        if a >u b then
            CR0 <- 0b010 || XER.SO
    if MMM[2] then  # max mode
        # swap a and b to make the less than comparison do
        # greater than comparison of the original inputs
        t <- a
        a <- b
        b <- t
    # store the entire selected source (even in word mode)
    # if Rc = 1 then store the result of comparing a and b to CR0
    if a <u b then RT <- (RA|0)
    else RT <- (RB)

Compute the integer minimum/maximum according to MMM of (RA|0) and (RB) and store the result in RT.

Special Registers altered:

    CR0     (if Rc=1)

Extended Mnemonics:

see MMM -- Integer Min/Max Mode


Instruction Formats

Add the following entries to Book I 1.6.1 Word Instruction Formats:


    |0    |6    |11   |16   |21   |24 |25  |31  |
    | PO  | FRT | FRA | FRB | FMM     | XO | Rc |
    | PO  | RT  | RA  | RB  | MMM | / | XO | Rc |

Add the following new fields to Book I 1.6.2 Word Instruction Fields:

    FMM (21:24)
        Field used to specify minimum/maximum mode for fminmax.

        Formats: MM

    MMM (21:23)
        Field used to specify minimum/maximum mode for integer minmax.

        Formats: MM

Add MM to the Formats: list for all of FRT, FRA, FRB, XO (25:30), Rc, RT, RA and RB.



Appendix E Power ISA sorted by opcode
Appendix F Power ISA sorted by version
Appendix G Power ISA sorted by Compliancy Subset
Appendix H Power ISA sorted by mnemonic
Form Book Page Version Mnemonic Description
MM I # 3.2B fminmax Floating Minimum/Maximum
MM I # 3.2B minmax Minimum/Maximum

fmax instruction count

32 instructions are required in SFFS to emulate fmax.

    #include <stdint.h>
    #include <string.h>

    inline uint64_t asuint64(double f) {
        union {
            double f;
            uint64_t i;
        } u = {f};
        return u.i;

    inline int issignaling(double v) {
        // copied from glibc:
        // https://github.com/bminor/glibc/blob/e2756903/sysdeps/ieee754/dbl-64/math_config.h#L101
        uint64_t ix = asuint64(v);
        return 2 * (ix ^ 0x0008000000000000) > 2 * 0x7ff8000000000000ULL;

    double fmax(double x, double y) {
        // copied from glibc:
        // https://github.com/bminor/glibc/blob/e2756903/math/s_fmax_template.c
        if(__builtin_isgreaterequal(x, y))
            return x;
        else if(__builtin_isless(x, y))
            return y;
        else if(issignaling(x) || issignaling(y))
            return x + y;
            return __builtin_isnan(y) ? x : y;

Assembly listing:

    fmax(double, double):
        fcmpu 0,1,2
        fmr 0,1
        cror 30,1,2
        beq 7,.L12
        blt 0,.L13
        stfd 1,-16(1)
        lis 9,0x8
        li 8,-1
        sldi 9,9,32
        rldicr 8,8,0,11
        ori 2,2,0
        ld 10,-16(1)
        xor 10,10,9
        sldi 10,10,1
        cmpld 0,10,8
        bgt 0,.L5
        stfd 2,-16(1)
        ori 2,2,0
        ld 10,-16(1)
        xor 9,10,9
        sldi 9,9,1
        cmpld 0,9,8
        ble 0,.L6
        fadd 1,0,2
        fmr 1,2
        fcmpu 0,2,2
        fmr 1,2
        bnulr 0
        fmr 1,0
        .long 0
        .byte 0,9,0,0,0,0,0,0