RFC ls016 DCT / FFT Twin Butterfly instructions

Severity: Major

Status: New

Date: 29 Apr 2023

Target: v3.2B

Source: v3.1B

Books and Section affected:

    Book I Fixed-Point Instructions
    Book I Floating-Point Instructions
    Appendix E Power ISA sorted by opcode
    Appendix F Power ISA sorted by version
    Appendix G Power ISA sorted by Compliancy Subset
    Appendix H Power ISA sorted by mnemonic


    Instructions added: maddsubrs, fdmadd(s), ffmadd(s), ffadd(s), ffsub(s)

Submitter: Luke Leighton (Libre-SOC)

Requester: Libre-SOC

Impact on processor:

    Addition of new Twin-Butterfly instructions, 3-in 2-out

Impact on software:

    Requires support for new instructions in assembler, debuggers,
    and related tools.  Greatly decreases instruction count in
    Audio/Video, DSP, Scientific Computing extremely commonly used
    algorithms (NTT, FFT, DFT, DCT)


    DCT, FFT, NTT, DFT, Twin-Butterfly, Audio/Video, DSP, Radar,
    Scientific Computing.


The list of uses for DCT is enormous - well over a hundred. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discrete_cosine_transform#General_applications The number of uses for FFT, DFT, NTT is also equally known to be extremely high https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fast_Fourier_transform#Applications ARM has already added vqrdmulhq_s16/32 instructions as their inclusion in any ISA replaces eight equivalent non-Twin-Butterfly instructions, which are often loop-unrolled, resulting in L1 I-Cache stripmining as well as requiring far greater resources (double the number of intermediate Vector registers) or much more complex hardware to get efficient execution.

Notes and Observations:

  1. Whilst it is easy to justify these high-value instructions they are sufficiently complex as to consider being optional SFFS.
  2. Although they are 3-in 2-out the actual encoding is as a double-overwrite reducing the number of operands down to three (RT RA and RB) where RT is a Read-Modify-Write and an additional RS (normally RT+1) is implicit.
  3. As with the biginteger set of 3-in 2-out instructions if Power ISA did not already have LD/ST-with-Update, Load/Store-Quad, and other RTp and RAp instructions, these instructions would not be proposed.
  4. The read and write of two overlapping registers normally requires an intermediate register (similar to the justifcation for CAS - Compare-and-Swap). When Vectorized the situation becomes even worse: an entire Vector of intermediate temporaries is required. Thus even if implemented inefficiently requiring more cycles to complete (taking an extra cycle to write the second result) these instructions still save on resources.
  5. Macro-op fusion equivalents of these instructions is not possible for exactly the same reason that the equivalent CAS sequence may not be macro-op fused. Full in-place Vectorized FFT and DCT algorithms only become possible due to these instructions atomically reading both Butterfly operands into internal Reservation Stations (exactly like CAS).
  6. Although desirable (particularly to detect overflow) Rc=1 is hard to conceptualise. It is likely that instead, Simple-V "saturation" if enabled will create an Rc=1 CR.SO flag (including SVP64Single).
  7. Saturated variants are not included: that is what SVP64 and SVP64Single provides (SVP64 provides a signed/unsigned saturation enhancement)
  8. Unlike in ARM, (except FP Single), 8 16 and 32 bit variants are not included: that is what SVP64 and SVP64Single provides (SVP64 "redefines" "FP Single" to be "half of the register/element width").


Add the following entries to:

  • the Appendices of Book I
  • Book I Fixed-Point Arithmetic DCT/FFT Twin-Butterfly Instructions
  • Book I Floating-Point DCT/FFT Twin-Butterfly Instructions
  • Book I 1.6.1 and 1.6.2



Although best used with SVP64 REMAP these instructions may be used in a Scalar-only context to save considerably on DCT, DFT and FFT processing. Whilst some hardware implementations may not necessarily implement them efficiently (slower Micro-coding) savings still come from the reduction in temporary registers as well as instruction count.

Rationale for Twin Butterfly Integer DCT Instruction(s)

The number of general-purpose uses for DCT is huge. The number of instructions needed instead of these Twin-Butterfly instructions is also huge (eight) and given that it is extremely common to explicitly loop-unroll them quantity hundreds to thousands of instructions are dismayingly common (for all ISAs).

The goal is to implement instructions that calculate the expression:

    fdct_round_shift((a +/- b) * c)

For the single-coefficient butterfly instruction, and:

    fdct_round_shift(a * c1  +/- b * c2)

For the double-coefficient butterfly instruction.

In a 32-bit context fdct_round_shift is defined as ROUND_POWER_OF_TWO(x, 14)

    #define ROUND_POWER_OF_TWO(value, n) \
            (((value) + (1 << ((n)-1))) >> (n))

These instructions are at the core of ALL FDCT calculations in many major video codecs, including -but not limited to- VP8/VP9, AV1, etc. ARM includes special instructions to optimize these operations, although they are limited in precision: vqrdmulhq_s16/vqrdmulhq_s32.

The suggestion is to have a single instruction to calculate both values ((a + b) * c) >> N, and ((a - b) * c) >> N. The instruction will run in accumulate mode, so in order to calculate the 2-coeff version one would just have to call the same instruction with different order a, b and a different constant c.

Example taken from libvpx https://chromium.googlesource.com/webm/libvpx/+/refs/tags/v1.13.0/vpx_dsp/fwd_txfm.c#132:

    #include <stdint.h>
    #define ROUND_POWER_OF_TWO(value, n) \
            (((value) + (1 << ((n)-1))) >> (n))
    void twin_int(int16_t *t, int16_t x0, int16_t x1, int16_t cospi_16_64) {
        t[0] = ROUND_POWER_OF_TWO((x0 + x1) * cospi_16_64, 14);
        t[1] = ROUND_POWER_OF_TWO((x0 - x1) * cospi_16_64, 14);

8 instructions are required - replaced by just the one (maddsubrs):

    add 9,5,4
    subf 5,5,4
    mullw 9,9,6
    mullw 5,5,6
    addi 9,9,8192
    addi 5,5,8192
    srawi 9,9,14
    srawi 5,5,14


Integer Butterfly Multiply Add/Sub FFT/DCT

Add the following to Book I Section


    |0     |6     |11      |16     |21      |26    |31 |
    | PO   |  RT  |   RA   |   RB  |   SH   |   XO |Rc |
  • maddsubrs RT,RA,RB,SH


    n <- SH
    sum <- (RT[0] || RT) + (RA[0] || RA)
    diff <- (RT[0] || RT) - (RA[0] || RA)
    prod1 <- MULS(RB, sum)
    prod2 <- MULS(RB, diff)
    if n = 0 then
        prod1_lo <- prod1[XLEN+1:(XLEN*2)]
        prod2_lo <- prod2[XLEN+1:(XLEN*2)]
        RT <- prod1_lo
        RS <- prod2_lo
        round <- [0]*(XLEN*2 + 1)
        round[XLEN*2 - n + 1] <- 1
        prod1 <- prod1 + round
        prod2 <- prod2 + round
        res1 <- prod1[XLEN - n + 1:XLEN*2 - n]
        res2 <- prod2[XLEN - n + 1:XLEN*2 - n]
        RT <- res1
        RS <- res2

Similar to RTp, this instruction produces an implicit result, RS, which under Scalar circumstances is defined as RT+1. For SVP64 if RT is a Vector, RS begins immediately after the Vector RT where the length of RT is set by SVSTATE.MAXVL (Max Vector Length).

Special Registers Altered:


[DRAFT] Integer Butterfly Multiply Add and Round Shift FFT/DCT


  • maddrs RT,RA,RB,SH


    n <- SH
    prod <- MULS(RB, RA)
    if n = 0 then
        prod_lo <- prod[XLEN:(XLEN*2) - 1]
        RT <- (RT) + prod_lo
        res[0:XLEN*2-1] <- (EXTSXL((RT)[0], 1) || (RT)) + prod
        round <- [0]*XLEN*2
        round[XLEN*2 - n] <- 1
        res <- res + round
        RT <- res[XLEN - n:XLEN*2 - n -1]

Special Registers Altered:


[DRAFT] Integer Butterfly Multiply Sub and Round Shift FFT/DCT


  • msubrs RT,RA,RB,SH


    n <- SH
    prod <- MULS(RB, RA)
    if n = 0 then
        prod_lo <- prod[XLEN:(XLEN*2) - 1]
        RT <- (RT) - prod_lo
        res[0:XLEN*2-1] <- (EXTSXL((RT)[0], 1) || (RT)) - prod
        round <- [0]*XLEN*2
        round[XLEN*2 - n] <- 1
        res <- res + round
        RT <- res[XLEN - n:XLEN*2 - n -1]

Special Registers Altered:


This pair of instructions is supposed to be used in complement to the maddsubrs to produce the double-coefficient butterfly instruction. In order for that to work, instead of passing c2 as coefficient, we have to pass c2-c1 instead.

In essence, we are calculating the quantity a * c1 +/- b * c1 first, with maddsubrs without shifting (so SH=0) and then we add/sub b * (c2-c1) from the previous RT, and then do the shifting.

In the following example, assume a in R1, b in R10, c1 in R11 and c2 - c1 in R12. The first instruction will put a * c1 + b * c1 in R1 (RT), a * c1 - b * c1 in RS (here, RS = RT +1, so R2). Then, maddrs will add b * (c2 - c1) to R1 (RT), and msubrs will subtract it from R2 (RS), and then round shift right both quantities 14 bits:

    maddsubrs 1,10,0,11
    maddrs 1,10,12,14
    msubrs 2,10,12,14

In scalar code, that would take ~16 instructions for both operations.


Twin Butterfly Floating-Point DCT and FFT Instruction(s)

Add the following to Book I Section

Floating-Point Twin Multiply-Add DCT [Single]


    |0     |6     |11      |16     |21      |31 |
    | PO   |  FRT |  FRA   |  FRB  |   XO   |Rc |
  • fdmadds FRT,FRA,FRB (Rc=0)


    FRS <- FPADD32(FRT, FRB)
    sub <- FPSUB32(FRT, FRB)
    FRT <- FPMUL32(FRA, sub)

The two IEEE754-FP32 operations

    FRS <- [(FRT) + (FRB)]
    FRT <- [(FRT) - (FRB)] * (FRA)

are simultaneously performed.

The Floating-Point operand in register FRT is added to the floating-point operand in register FRB and the result stored in FRS.

Using the exact same operand input register values from FRT and FRB that were used to create FRS, the Floating-Point operand in register FRB is subtracted from the floating-point operand in register FRT and the result then rounded before being multiplied by FRA to create an intermediate result that is stored in FRT.

The add into FRS is treated exactly as fadds. The creation of the result FRT is not the same as that of fmsubs, but is instead as if fsubs were performed first followed by fmuls. The creation of FRS and FRT are treated as parallel independent operations which occur at the same time.

Note that if Rc=1 an Illegal Instruction is raised. Rc=1 is RESERVED

Similar to FRTp, this instruction produces an implicit result, FRS, which under Scalar circumstances is defined as FRT+1. For SVP64 if FRT is a Vector, FRS begins immediately after the Vector FRT where the length of FRT is set by SVSTATE.MAXVL (Max Vector Length).

Special Registers Altered:


Floating-Point Multiply-Add FFT [Single]


    |0     |6     |11      |16     |21      |31 |
    | PO   |  FRT |  FRA   |  FRB  |   XO   |Rc |
  • ffmadds FRT,FRA,FRB (Rc=0)


    FRS <- FPMULADD32(FRT, FRA, FRB, -1, 1)
    FRT <- FPMULADD32(FRT, FRA, FRB, 1, 1)

The two operations

    FRS <- -([(FRT) * (FRA)] - (FRB))
    FRT <-   [(FRT) * (FRA)] + (FRB)

are performed.

The floating-point operand in register FRT is multiplied by the floating-point operand in register FRA. The floating-point operand in register FRB is added to this intermediate result, and the intermediate stored in FRS.

Using the exact same values of FRT, FRT and FRB as used to create FRS, the floating-point operand in register FRT is multiplied by the floating-point operand in register FRA. The floating-point operand in register FRB is subtracted from this intermediate result, and the intermediate stored in FRT.

FRT is created as if a fmadds operation had been performed. FRS is created as if a fnmsubs operation had simultaneously been performed with the exact same register operands, in parallel, independently, at exactly the same time.

FRT is a Read-Modify-Write operation.

Note that if Rc=1 an Illegal Instruction is raised. Rc=1 is RESERVED

Similar to FRTp, this instruction produces an implicit result, FRS, which under Scalar circumstances is defined as FRT+1. For SVP64 if FRT is a Vector, FRS begins immediately after the Vector FRT where the length of FRT is set by SVSTATE.MAXVL (Max Vector Length).

Special Registers Altered:


Floating-Point Twin Multiply-Add DCT


    |0     |6     |11      |16     |21      |31 |
    | PO   |  FRT |  FRA   |  FRB  |   XO   |Rc |
  • fdmadd FRT,FRA,FRB (Rc=0)


    FRS <- FPADD64(FRT, FRB)
    sub <- FPSUB64(FRT, FRB)
    FRT <- FPMUL64(FRA, sub)

The two IEEE754-FP64 operations

    FRS <- [(FRT) + (FRB)]
    FRT <- [(FRT) - (FRB)] * (FRA)

are simultaneously performed.

The Floating-Point operand in register FRT is added to the floating-point operand in register FRB and the result stored in FRS.

Using the exact same operand input register values from FRT and FRB that were used to create FRS, the Floating-Point operand in register FRB is subtracted from the floating-point operand in register FRT and the result then rounded before being multiplied by FRA to create an intermediate result that is stored in FRT.

The add into FRS is treated exactly as fadd. The creation of the result FRT is not the same as that of fmsub, but is instead as if fsub were performed first followed by `fmuls. The creation of FRS and FRT are treated as parallel independent operations which occur at the same time.

Note that if Rc=1 an Illegal Instruction is raised. Rc=1 is RESERVED

Similar to FRTp, this instruction produces an implicit result, FRS, which under Scalar circumstances is defined as FRT+1. For SVP64 if FRT is a Vector, FRS begins immediately after the Vector FRT where the length of FRT is set by SVSTATE.MAXVL (Max Vector Length).

Special Registers Altered:


Floating-Point Twin Multiply-Add FFT


    |0     |6     |11      |16     |21      |31 |
    | PO   |  FRT |  FRA   |  FRB  |   XO   |Rc |
  • ffmadd FRT,FRA,FRB (Rc=0)


    FRS <- FPMULADD64(FRT, FRA, FRB, -1, 1)
    FRT <- FPMULADD64(FRT, FRA, FRB, 1, 1)

The two operations

    FRS <- -([(FRT) * (FRA)] - (FRB))
    FRT <-   [(FRT) * (FRA)] + (FRB)

are performed.

The floating-point operand in register FRT is multiplied by the floating-point operand in register FRA. The float- ing-point operand in register FRB is added to this intermediate result, and the intermediate stored in FRS.

Using the exact same values of FRT, FRT and FRB as used to create FRS, the floating-point operand in register FRT is multiplied by the floating-point operand in register FRA. The float- ing-point operand in register FRB is subtracted from this intermediate result, and the intermediate stored in FRT.

FRT is created as if a fmadd operation had been performed. FRS is created as if a fnmsub operation had simultaneously been performed with the exact same register operands, in parallel, independently, at exactly the same time.

FRT is a Read-Modify-Write operation.

Note that if Rc=1 an Illegal Instruction is raised. Rc=1 is RESERVED

Similar to FRTp, this instruction produces an implicit result, FRS, which under Scalar circumstances is defined as FRT+1. For SVP64 if FRT is a Vector, FRS begins immediately after the Vector FRT where the length of FRT is set by SVSTATE.MAXVL (Max Vector Length).

Special Registers Altered:


Floating-Point Add FFT/DCT [Single]


    |0     |6     |11      |16     |21      |26    |31 |
    | PO   | FRT  |  FRA   |  FRB  |     /  |   XO |Rc |
  • ffadds FRT,FRA,FRB (Rc=0)


    FRT <- FPADD32(FRA, FRB)
    FRS <- FPSUB32(FRB, FRA)

Special Registers Altered:


Floating-Point Add FFT/DCT [Double]


    |0     |6     |11      |16     |21      |26    |31 |
    | PO   | FRT  |  FRA   |  FRB  |     /  |   XO |Rc |
  • ffadd FRT,FRA,FRB (Rc=0)


    FRT <- FPADD64(FRA, FRB)
    FRS <- FPSUB64(FRB, FRA)

Special Registers Altered:


Floating-Point Subtract FFT/DCT [Single]


    |0     |6     |11      |16     |21      |26    |31 |
    | PO   | FRT  |  FRA   |  FRB  |     /  |   XO |Rc |
  • ffsubs FRT,FRA,FRB (Rc=0)


    FRT <- FPSUB32(FRB, FRA)
    FRS <- FPADD32(FRA, FRB)

Special Registers Altered:


Floating-Point Subtract FFT/DCT [Double]


    |0     |6     |11      |16     |21      |26    |31 |
    | PO   | FRT  |  FRA   |  FRB  |     /  |   XO |Rc |
  • ffsub FRT,FRA,FRB (Rc=0)


    FRT <- FPSUB64(FRB, FRA)
    FRS <- FPADD64(FRA, FRB)

Special Registers Altered:



Instruction Formats

Add the following entries to Book I 1.6.1 Word Instruction Formats:


    |0     |6     |11      |16     |21      |26    |31 |
    | PO   |  RT  |   RA   |   RB  |   SH   |   XO |Rc |

Add the following new fields to Book I 1.6.2 Word Instruction Fields:

    SH (21:25)
        Field used to specify a shift amount.
        Formats: A


Appendix E Power ISA sorted by opcode
Appendix F Power ISA sorted by version
Appendix G Power ISA sorted by Compliancy Subset
Appendix H Power ISA sorted by mnemonic
Form Book Page Version Mnemonic Description
A I # 3.2B maddsubrs Integer DCT/FFT Twin-Butterfly
X I # 3.2B fdmadds FP DCT Twin-Butterfly Single
X I # 3.2B ffmadds FP FFT Twin-Butterfly Single
X I # 3.2B fdmadds FP DCT Twin-Butterfly Double
X I # 3.2B ffmadds FP FFT Twin-Butterfly Double
X I # 3.2B ffadds FP FFT Twin-Butterfly Single
X I # 3.2B ffadd FP FFT Twin-Butterfly Double
X I # 3.2B ffsubs FP FFT Twin-Butterfly Single
X I # 3.2B ffsub FP FFT Twin-Butterfly Double